Land is the basis for social life. It
is a foundation not only for agricultural production, but also shapes and is
shaped by societies’ political, economic, and cultural dynamics: power affects
land access, and land access grants power.
Given land’s central role to human society, it is unsurprising that it has also
been central to profit accumulation in the expansion of global capitalism. Long
distance land grabs - the expropriation, commodification, and privatization of
distant lands - have been a central feature of world history for 500 years. (…)
The result: continuing waves of dispossession, genocide, and enslavement of
Indigenous, Black, and Brown peoples. So while recent land grabs reflect
continuity, contemporary drivers and impacts must also be understood in their
current context.
(…) This issue examines the challenges of the current rush for land by financial
and corporate actors, from the local to the global. It assesses current
opportunities and maps out strategies and solutions to promote change. Land is
a site of contention and injustice; it is also an area of struggle, and
advancement, for food sovereignty and justice.