Blanco: A man who
loved humanity and
Mother Earth
Latin America
sows a great soul, who
defended the rights of
the peasantry,
indigenous peoples and
Mother Earth, founded
the National Agrarian
Confederation (CNA)
and made the
long-awaited Agrarian
Reform in Peru a
(Bagnonet, June
26, 2023) La Vía
Campesina recognizes
the enormous
political, social and
humanist legacy of our
comrade Hugo Blanco, a
Peruvian and
internationalist, who
died yesterday in
Sweden. His militancy
and commitment marked
the organization of
peasant farmers for
agrarian reform in the
20th century, not only
in Peru, but also
throughout Latin
participated in the
fight for the first
agrarian reform in
Peru, organizing
peasants and
indigenous people in
the early 1960s in the
semi-tropical zone of
the department of
Cusco, more
specifically in the
province called La
Convención and in the
district of Lares to
the south of the
country, where coffee,
tea and cocoa are
grown. He denounced
the exploitation and
slave labor
experienced by the
peasantry, who were
forced to work free in
days of up to more
than 12 hours a day,
including women and
He was
sentenced by the
Peruvian justice to
the death penalty,
which he managed to
avoid due to a strong
international campaign
of solidarity, but he
spent nearly 7 years
in prison and had to
live several years in
exile as well. “When I
entered the room to be
judged, and saw my
comrades after three
years in prison, I
yelled: Earth or
Death! That was our
slogan. They
responded: We will
win!” He commented in
an interview conducted
in 2018, and added,
“some said that it was
Hugo Blanco’s agrarian
reform, but it was not
Hugo Blanco’s agrarian
reform, because when
it happened I was
already in prison, it
was the peasantry in
struggle as a whole
that conquered the
his militancy, Hugo
understood that the
struggle and the need
for the organization
was even broader, not
only against the
latifundio, but
against neoliberalism,
capitalism and
transnationals. So he
became a tireless
defender and staunch
critic of extractivism
and the depredation of
Mother Earth. He
accompanied marches,
walks, crossed and
toured the entire
country defending the
rights and dignity of
the peoples of the
countryside and
“In the past,
the struggle was to
have land, work and
farm. Now that
neoliberalism acts and
fiercely attacks
nature, our fight has
changed to the defense
of mother earth, of
pacha mama, that is
the fundamental fight
of now. Before I
fought to socialize
the land, today I have
to fight for the
maintenance of the
human species” he
For La Vía
Campesina, Hugo Blanco
is today a native
seed, with an enormous
potential for life,
which inspired and
will continue to
inspire many
generations in Peru
and in the world. His
legacy and commitment
will endure in the
struggle, in the
organization and in
the collective memory,
because ideas do not
die, like seeds
multiply, grow and
bear fruit.
are men that fight
one day and are
good. There are
others that fight
for a year and are
better. Some fight
for many years and
are very good. But
there are those
who fight all
their lives: those
are the
Bertolt Brecht