26-29 February: La Via Campesina calls for a Week of Mobilization against the WTO
The 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of
the World Trade Organization
(WTO) is scheduled to take
place from 26 to 29 February
2024 in Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates.
La Via Campesina has learned that the
food and agricultural
negotiations during the 13th
ministerial will discuss (i)
a permanent solution to the
issue of public stock
holding, pending since 2013
(ii) the Special Safeguard
Mechanism, a long-standing
demand from developing
countries, (iii) the
substantial subsidies
provided by developed
countries in the Global
North to their
agro-industries, and (iv)
industrial fishing subsidies
along with the special and
differential treatment
requested by developing
countries to safeguard
small-scale fisheries.
While these issues have been under
discussion for several
years, the WTO has
repeatedly demonstrated its
irrelevance by failing to
heed the demands and
aspirations of much of the
Global South and small-scale
farmers worldwide. Instead
of addressing these
concerns, the WTO has only
generated and aggravated the
crises of global hunger,
extreme poverty, agrarian
conflict, and the food
For more than a decade, the failure of
this institution to reach
a consensus on a lasting
resolution for public food
stocks, despite over 80 developing countries presenting
detailed proposals,
clearly illustrates its
alignment with the
interests of the US, and
other strong
countries. The WTO has
become a space where the
Rule of Might prevails,
with a select few
developed countries
determining the course
of global trade. Despite
the assertiveness of the
Global South, the WTO
remains stuck in limbo,
seemingly digging its
own grave.
For La Via Campesina, this situation is
not surprising at all. Over
the past 30 years, our
global movement has
consistently highlighted the
detrimental effects of the
WTO and its role in
undermining and
marginalizing peasant and
rural economies worldwide.
The Agreement on
Agriculture, operating under
the guise of "rule of law,"
has been the primary tool
through which the WTO has
imposed neoliberal reforms
worldwide, solely to expand
market access for Global
North Corporations, and the
agribusinesses based in
other export-oriented
La Via Campesina has
actively mobilized against
the WTO for three decades,
emphasizing its irrelevance
and disconnection from the
lived realities of people in
various territories.