"Globalize Solidarity,
Localize Agriculture"
La Via Campesina Web-Dialogue

13h00 - 15h30 (Harare time)
10 September 2020

On 10 September 2020, La Via Campesina will once again mark the International Day of Action against WTO and FTAs. On this day, in memory of Lee Kyung Hae's sacrifice, we intend to hold a web-dialogue between peasant leaders and activists from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. They will elaborate and argue why agriculture must remain out of all Free Trade Negotiations that take place both inside and outside the WTO.

The dialogue titled "Globalize Solidarity, Localize Agriculture" will focus on people's alternative that emerges from centuries of peasant experiences and evidence.

- Jeongyeol Kim, La Via Campesina Asia
- Shalmali Guttal, Focus on the Global South
- S Kannaiyyan, La Via Campesina Asia
- Festil Pierre Doudou, La Via Campesina Americas
- David Otieno, La Via Campesina Africa
- Million Belay, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
- Vincent Dauby, European Coordination Vía Campesina

Moderated by:
Peter Rosset, ECOSUR