La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | May 2019
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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Opinion: The agrarian issue and current challenges

Throughout history, the progressive transformation of agricultural production has at its basis the struggle for land. This struggle aims to introduce a radical change in the productive structure; as a consequence, the agrarian issue is significant for the coexistence of humanity and it was dealt with by the leaders of social struggle.... Read more →

Featured Articles

Social movements and Civil Society Organisations send an open letter to Ecuador on the Chevron case

The Chevron case in the Ecuadorian Amazon is paradigmatic in the struggle against corporate impunity. It's also linked to the struggle against ISDS, and for the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights.  Read more →

South East and East Asia peasant organisations meet in Sakura, Japan

Ten peasant organizations who are members of La Via Campesina and one observer organization shared their struggles and activities to achieve food sovereignty during the six day-long meeting in Sakura.  ... Read more →

Human rights and peasants' rights must prevail in the new Common Agricultural Policy: ECVC

Faced with the EU Bio-economy Strategy and the EU Presidency's proposals on CAP reform that underpin the vested interests of the agroindustry, ECVC and ECO RURALIS, in Bucharest, reject these proposals and demand that human rights and peasants' rights prevail in the new CAP, employing the Decade for Family Farming. ... Read more →

Women's Struggles for a Peasant and People's Feminism

Towards the VII CLOC – LVC Congress (25 to 30 June, Havana – Cuba)
The evolution of rural women's political participation in politics in Latin America is intimately linked with the rebellions expressed in the popular uprising of indigenous people and peasants and the united front that was built to confront the attempts to celebrate [in 1992] the 500 years, under the colonizers and their allied or submissive governments, since the "discovery" and the rape and pillage of our America. ... Read more →

Karuturi Global's new land deal in Ethiopia must be scrapped

Two years ago, indigenous communities in Gambella, Ethiopia, celebrated the departure of the Indian company Karuturi Global, after its contract for a 300,000 hectares agribusiness project was finally cancelled. But a diplomatic intervention by the Indian government and lawsuits filed by the company appear to have pushed Ethiopian authorities to backtrack and offer a new lease, this time for 15,000 hectares. |... Read more 

ECVC jointly with 340+ organisations call on the EU to immediately halt trade negotiations with Brazil

June 18, 2019: In an open letter published today, ECVC jointly with 340 civil society organisations are demanding that the European Union immediately halt free trade agreement negotiations with the Mercosur bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) on the grounds of deteriorating human rights and environmental conditions in Brazil.  ... Read more →


Peasants' view of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming

Humanity, for thousands of years, has been able to adapt and domesticate seeds, which gave rise to the art of being a farmer. Entire villages have specialised in this art to feed their people, and with time, have expanded their seeds and the knowledge necessary to make them more productive. ... Read more →

LVC southern and eastern Africa region calls for a binding treaty on the responsibilities of TNCs

La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa (LVC SEAf) along with other members of the Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power, gathered in Johannesburg for a meeting of its reference group, urgently call for popular and public support to the United Nations Binding Treaty on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) for the Human Rights violations.  ... Read more →

Farmers' right to seed is a matter of principle: NFU Canada

Last December the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. This declaration was brought forward by La Via Campesina (LVC) – a global movement which brings together organizations representing small- and medium-scale farmers, peasants, agricultural workers, rural women and indigenous communities.  ... Read more →

ECVC and Eco Ruralis are organising a series of events on Rights of Peasants this June. Here is a list.

The European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC), together with Eco Ruralis – the Romanian peasants association, together with partners, is proud to announce the organization of several international events, in Bucharest, Romania, between 1-3 June 2019. ... Read more →

Peasants and farm workers in Europe call it time to dismantle heteropatriarchy

"Often our agendas of demands and struggles target the outside world, thanks to which, we achieve important reforms and victories for society. But many times we also forget to look inwards: inside of our organisations and within individuals. ... Read more →

The Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC) at 25 years

In February 1994, in Lima (Perú), under the slogan "United in Defense of Life, Land, Work and Production" the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC) was officially established.  Eighty-four (84) organizations from 18 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean came together for this historic moment. ... Read more →

Featured Videos

A video, shot on 17 May 2019 and published on 22 May by the human rights NGO B'Tselem, shows Israeli settlers burning agricultural land belonging to Palestinian families in the village of Burin. It shows Israeli soldiers participating in the aggression, protecting settlers and preventing Palestinian peasants from intervening and extinguishing the fire.  Watch video

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