On 25th November 2021, La Via Campesina's global campaign to eliminate gender-based violence published an illustrated book that traces The Path of Peasant & Popular Feminism in the movement. During the month of November, members of LVC in all continents, amplified our global solidarity actions that called for an end to violence against women and girls. The launch of this book coincided with these actions, and echoes all our demands and our collective critique and condemnation of a capitalist and patriarchal system that perpetuates these violations.
As La Via Campesina, we demand justice and dignity for those affected by the violence and condemn the impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators. It is time to say "enough!" to gender-based violence experienced by women, girls and non-binary genders.
The book is a vital political-pedagogical tool in our struggle, aiding our training processes at the grassroots, regions and continents. Organized by the Women's Articulation of La Via Campesina and beautifully illustrated by the FemGarabat Feminist Collective of the Basque Country, this book synthesis the historical struggle of peasant and indigenous women around the world.
The artists who worked on the book also expressed their support and respect for these struggles when they said, "As a feminist graphic collective, we use illustrations as a tool for transmitting ideas that we believe in and value. Through our work we had the opportunity to learn about women's struggles from all over the world and, in that sense, working with La Vía Campesina has been a very enriching experience. It has been a pleasure to visually illustrate these diverse struggles, those in which Femgarabat firmly believes"
Twenty-eight pages of stunning graphic work reveal the role of women in the global fight for Food Sovereignty and their centrality in promoting Peasant and Popular Feminism in their territories and organizations. It also offers several testimonies of peasant leaders from across continents in implementing the 'Global Campaign to End Violence Against Women' promoted by LVC since 2008.
Get your copy today and share it widely within your organization, region and among friends and allies. The publication is available in ES, FR and EN. You can also make a version in your local language here.
Note: This illustrated book draws its inspiration from a handbook that La Via Campesina had launched early this year.