VII International Conference - Special Edition Newsletter
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                                                  Newsletter - June 2016
This edition carries highlights of the VIIth International Conference of La Via Campesina that is took place in Derio, Basque Country from 19-24 July. It brings you moments and reflections from the International Youth Assembly and the International Women's Assembly that were held earlier in the week.

Euskal Herria Declaration

Delegates of La Via Campesina, representing our organizations and movements, are gathered in the Basque Country to celebrate our 7th International Conference from the 16th to the 24th of July of 2017. Euskal Herria is a beautiful land of solidarity, struggle, and resistance, with its own language, where the tradition of good food produced by peasants and local fisherfolk remains strong. We, the peasants, rural workers, landless, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, artisanal fisherfolk, rural women and other peoples who work in the countryside around the world, declare that we feed our people and build the movement to change the world. Read More

Featured Articles 

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VII International Conference: Women's Assembly Declaration

We are building a feminism out of our peasant and popular identity as a tool for our organisations and in the social emancipation process for men and women. Read More

La Via Campesina's VII International Conference opens with the ringing of bells

Solidarity, equality, social struggles and food sovereignty were the key words during the first day of La Via Campesina's VII International Conference taking place in Derio, in the Basque Country from 19 to 24 July. Read More

Peasant youth share visions of harvesting from better education

In the words of a young Brazilian representing MPA: "We have to use our strengths—creativity, energy, connectivity, and all the provocative communication tools that are uniquely ours to achieve the goal of nourishing ourselves through agroecology. Read More

VII International Conference: Youth Assembly Declaration

We reaffirm our struggle for land, territories and our collective right to the resources required to practice peasant agroecology as a way of life. We reaffirm our capacity, commitment and right to fulfil our essential role in building Food Sovereignty.  More

25 Years of feminism in La Via Campesina : Reflections from Women's Assembly at the VII International Conference

In this seventh Conference of La Vía Campesina, the proposal of women peasants is to achieve consensus on what the movement understands by "peasant and popular feminism. Read More

Press Release: Step up the fight against agribusiness, Unite for Food Sovereignty

VIIth International Conference ends with a powerful declaration to step up resistance against transnational agribusiness, large scale land-grabbing, criminalisation of people's struggles, rising xenophobia, racism, and patriarchy.  Read More

Featured Videos

                                                          Via Campesina
                                                          Conference, 19
                                                          to 24 of July
                                                          2017 -

Shepherds in traditional dress made enormous bells on their backs chime in unison with every step they made. In the Basque country, these bells are used in rituals to awaken the land to Spring so that it can be cultivated or used as pasture. 

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                                                          Via Campesina
                                                          Conference, 19
                                                          to 24 of July
                                                          2017 -
The Vth International Women's Assembly of La Via Campesina included approximately 150 women peasants from all continents – representing peasant movements from 79 countries.

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The Fourth International Youth Assembly of La Via Campesina kicked off on 16th of July, with nearly 100 young peasants from 47 countries echoing the slogan " Invest in the Peasant Youth: Sowing Present to Harvest Future"

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Peasant members of La Via Campesina and allies took our a march for food sovereignty and in defense of Mother Earth. Voices from Europe, Asia Africa and Americas.

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VII International Conference: In Images

Explore the slideshow on Via Campesina TV
Browse La Via Campesina's Facebook Album

VII Conference: In the media

Featured Podcasts (Only EN/FR)

Radio Mundo Real worked with the Communications Group of VII International Conference to produce a series of podcasts in Derio. Due to limited resources available, these podcasts could only be made available in Spanish and French.

For those interested, here is the link to follow: Listen Now


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