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La Via Campesina mobilizes for the defense of Democracy in Bolivia!

Bagnolet, June 27, 2024: In response to the failed coup attempt against the Plurinational State of Bolivia on June 26, La Vía Campesina and its member organizations worldwide call for the defense and stability of democracy, and respect for constitutional rights.

Likewise, we repudiate military and imperialist actions that clearly interfere in political power, attacking the democratic values of a sovereign country and defying the will of its people. Such actions promote the destruction of the Plurinational State, which has a growing and stable economy based on a productive community social economic model. The Constitution of Bolivia cannot be trampled upon, nor the people’s mandate disobeyed, for the sake of transnational and imperialist economic interests!

We stand in solidarity with and join the resistance of our Cloc – Vía Campesina Bolivia Organizations. We call on all our organizations worldwide to remain vigilant against these destabilizing strategies in Bolivia and the region. As social and peasant movements, we acknowledge the significant efforts of the Government of Bolivia, led by Luis Arce, in supporting various initiatives for peasant rights and social justice.

As President Luis Arce stated, “We need the people to mobilize against the coup d’état. We cannot allow coup attempts to return. We salute the organizations for their mobilization for democracy. Long live Bolivia. Long live democracy!”

Mobilize to defend democracy and oppose imperialism!

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