Political Declaration of the VII Congress of the CLOC LVC

In Havana, Cuba, on the 60th anniversary of signing of the Agrarian Reform Law, 27 years after the foundation of the CLOC and 25 years after its first Continental congress, 300 men and women delegates of peasant, indigenous, afrodescendant, landless, artisan fishers, native peoples and rural men and women workers, the youth and women from 30 countries in representation of all of the regions of America, as well as delegates from Via Campesina International, Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, and over 50 international guests all met to hold the VII Continental Congress of the CLOC Via Campesina.

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VI Women Assembly of the CLOC-LVC: Declaration

Ten years after the historical day when, in the Niceto Perez School of the ANAP, CLOC-Vía Campesina declared that peasant men and women in Latin America pave the way for socialism, women stood up and shouted with all our strength that WITHOUT FEMINISM THERE IS NO SOCIALISM.

The VI Peasant Women Assembly was part of the VII Congress of the Latin America Coordination of Peasant Organizations, CLOC-Via Campesina, which took place in the municipality of Güira de Melena, province of Artemisa, Cuba. It gathered together women delegates of our organizations in 21 countries, inspired by the historical breakthroughs of Cuban women and the revolutionary spirit of Vilma Espin, Celia Sanchez and their people. We met to continue walking down our historical path, the one that has kept alive the resistance of women from the countryside in the face of the patriarchal and capitalist system.

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V Youth Assembly of the CLOC-LVC: Declaration

On June 25th 2019 more than 100 men and women youth delegates from 19 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean met in Cuba for the V Youth Assembly of the CLOC-LVC, under the motto "youth of the countryside, youth of the city, let's struggle together for our ideals".

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