Vía Campesina, the international peasant movement that brings together over 200 millions members through 164 organizations in 73 countries, is celebrating in Jakarta, Indonesia, the first two decades of its struggles. For 10 days, women and men organize, discuss, share, debate, expound and propose…
How to transform the world? Propositions from peasant organisations from all around the world burst forth: food sovereignty, agro-ecology, social and climate justice, solidarity, seeds, water, struggles by women, youth, indigenous and migrants, agrarian reform benefitting those who work the land…
“People’s mobilisation, confrontation with oppressors, active resistance, internationalism and local engagement are all necessary components for social change.” Successfully listening to and understanding each other when coming from different realities, cultures and languages is already the first step towards changing the world. Over the past 20 years, Vía Campesina has become one the world’s biggest social movement – a fertile ground to nurture struggles and solidarity.
A documentary by La Via Campesina, ZinTV and AlbaTV.