La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | October 2017
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                                                  Newsletter - June 2016
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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"WTO, Out! Building Alternatives": La Via Campesina to organise Peoples' Summit during WTO's XI Ministerial Conference in Argentina

 La Via Campesina is calling upon social movements and civil society organisations of the world to mobilise and organise our resistances against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), build solidarity alliances and to participate in the People's Summit "WTO, Out! Building alternatives", from the 10-13 December coinciding with the XI WTO Ministerial in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Read More

Featured Articles 

Human Rights must prevail over corporate interests: La Via Campesina in Geneva

From 23 to 27 October, a delegation from La Via Campesina, comprising peasants from Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe, participated in the week-long mobilization of peoples, who were demanding a legally binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights. Read More

Let's not sweep Rights to Seeds of peasants under the carpet

La Via Campesina urges the ITPGRFA governing body to prohibit the patenting of genetic information – and of any other measure limiting the access and use of all plant genetic resources of the Multilateral System – as well as to fully implement peasants rights to save, use, exchange and sell seeds, as specified in the preamble and Article 9 of the Treaty. Read More

Fifth International Encounter of Migrations and Wage Work, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

Coming in from across Mexico, the United States, Canada, Nicaragua, Colombia, Haiti, Italy, and Spain, participants discussed everything from rural-urban to international migration, repression against those who resist capitalist exclusion by moving from one place to another, and the role of social movements such as La Vía Campesina in building a larger movement for migrants' rights. Read More

In solidarity with all climate change affected communities of the world: La Via Campesina

We urgently call upon our allies, friends and social movements to galvanise their struggles towards a system change. We urgently need to mobilize together with the civil society to push for our true solutions based on food sovereignty and peasant agroecology. Read More

Affected from the world, unite!

MAB, a member of Via Campesina in Brazil and the Movimiento de Afectados por Represa in Latin America (MAR) had organised an International Seminar on Energy Transition for a Popular Energy Project, from October 6 to 8. Inspired from it, this article captures the constant violations of human rights and the exploitation of the affected populations. Read More

Indian farmers denounce UN Seed Treaty's attempts to hand over people's seed heritage to private companies

The Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements (ICCFM) expressed concern over the proceedings of ITPGRFA in a letter submitted to the treaty's national focal point in India. Read More

La Via Campesina's African Continental Encounter of Agroecology schools

At Selingue, the site of the historic International Forum for Food Sovereignty (2007) and following up on the Forum for Agroecology (2015), La Via Campesina's International Center for Training in Peasant Agroecology and Nyéléni recently hosted the 2017 African Continental Encounter of Agroecology Schools and Training Processes aimed at strengthening our organizational capacity to advance peasant agroecology across the continent through popular education and training processes. Read More

Press Release: La Via Campesina responds to COP23 calling for Peasant Agroecology

La Via Campesina and their allies' proposals for addressing the climate crisis get to the root cause of the problem — corporate control over decision-making and the resulting processes of land and water grabbing, peasant criminalization and human rights abuses in the transnational supply chains used to produce food. Read More

Featured Videos

The end of
                                                    corporate impunity
                                                    is coming
The end of Corporate Impunity is coming!
Watch Video
                                                    Treaty Negotiations,
                                                    Oct 2017: Tchenna
                                                    Maso, La Via
Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations: Tchenna Maso presenting the proposal by social movements Watch Video

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