La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | June 2018
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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A handful of countries legitimising claims made by agro-industry, diminishing the rights of people to seeds

Convention on Biological Diversity – twenty-second meeting of the SUBSIDIARY BODY ON SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVICE (SBSTTA) – Montréal, Canada, July 2nd-7th, 2018

Read the press release from La Via Campesina

Featured Articles from June 2018

All united with USB and the struggle of migrant rural workers in light of the murder of Soumaila Sacko!

Together with our comrades of USB and our Italian member ARI, in deep condolences of Soumaila's family, we will not allow Italy's and Europe's racist doctrine to have the last word. Read More

Territorial Markets: Via Campesina members and allies participate in the workshop in Rome

 Members of La Via Campesina from Asia, Africa, Europe, South America participated in the meeting to build participatory methodology of research on territorial markets around the world, together with researchers, FAO, allies like ROPPA and other civil society organisations. Read More

Small–scale farmers of Africa and Denmark reject free trade agreements

Danish and African small-scale farmers share a strong interest in mitigating climate change and preventing the dumping of European (and North American) farm products into food markets of countries of the Global South. Read More

LVC Southern & Eastern Africa and allies write Open Letter to the Regional Member States demanding Climate Justice

The Open Letter moves on to make concrete demands for actions to be adopted by governments, civil society organizations and other key stakeholders, and proposals that should inform national, regional and global policies.  Read More

Pakistan: Struggles of Tenant farmers in Okara Military Farms

British colonialists bestowed vast tracts of land mainly to the revenue collectors (zemindars) in order to raise land revenue. This grafted native Indians onto the British structure, insuring their loyalty to British authority. After partition this class, along with the comprador bourgeoisie, became Pakistan's hybrid ruling class.Farooq Tariq, General Secretary, Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee writes Read More

A major breakthrough in scaling up agroecological farming in Karnataka, India

In the announcement made at the meeting with social movements, the government of Karnataka has agreed to start a pilot project and set up teams who will work in 10 agro-climatic zones of the state to scale up this model in a systematic way.  Read More

Featured Publications


The 2017 annual report highlights selected struggles towards strengthening the international movement and the VIIth La Via Campesina International Conference deliberations and celebrations. This gathering and the various struggles throughout 2017 were moments of renewal of the spirit of peoples' resistances, building solidarity and exchanging the tales of struggle from our territories with each other. 

Download your copy here
'Back Down to Earth' – A reflection paper on new entrants in agriculture by ECVC

The Common Agricultural Policy does not support these new farms and new entrants. Given the current situation in which citizens demand more and more high-quality, locally-sourced food, the time has come to encourage and support farms and small-scale farmers that are trying to rebuild the fractured local markets in Europe and pave the way for a new generation of food producers.

Download your copy here

Featured Videos

Why is the proposed UN Declaration for Rights of Peasants and Other People working in Rural Areas important? In this video Henry Saragih of La Via Campesina explains the history and the importance of this proposed declaration and why is it important for members and allies to mobilise in support of it. Watch Video

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