Colombia: Is Access to Land Democratized? Sub-point 1.1 of the Peace Agreement establishes mechanisms for access to land for the benefit of peasants without land or with insufficient land, mainly through land allocation processes and formalization of rights. Read more... |
Colombia: Impacts of COVID-19 on Peace The crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has had various impacts, amongst them, the increase in poverty numbers, the deepening of food insecurity, the deterioration of the security crisis and the limitations in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Read more... |
Colombia: Glyphosate aerial spraying forces communities to seek legal action The processes of voluntary eradication of illicit crops are supported, but marginally, compared to the force eradication operations prioritized by the government. Read more... |
Social Organizations denounce limitations on participation in Territorial Focused Development Plans (PDET) in Colombia Territorial Focused Development Plans – PDET, in Spanish, are designed by the Agreement as participatory territorial planning instrument to implement as a priority the components of Integral Rural Reform – RRI. Read more... |
Colombia: Armed Conflict Reactivated in 2021 During the year 2020 acts of violence with great intensity are recorded, there has been an increase in the assassination of social leaders, massacres, and confrontations among armed groups. Read more... |
Rural Integral Reform is excruciatingly slow in Colombia The assessments of the implementation of the Peace Agreement made by different institutions and social organizations highlight the lack of political will for the materialization of what has been agreed and the constant failings on the part of the government regarding principally the Rural Integral Reform – RRI, in Spanish. Read more... |
Colombia: Call for Life, Democracy and Peace! La Via Campesina stands in solidarity with the struggles and protests of the Colombian people in the NATIONAL STRIKE that began on April 28th and remains active even now. Read more... |
Colombia: End the State-sanctioned Violence, Investigate the Crimes of the Colombian State! A month into the National Strike against the neoliberal reforms that seek to undermine rights, promote privatization and labor flexibilization. Read more... |
Solidarity with the working class of Colombia We, the undersigned popular organisations of the peoples of the countryside, of the waters and of the forests, and other organisations of the whole world, lend our solidarity to the peasant, indigenous and Afro-descendant people who, allied to the working class of the cities, are demonstrating in Colombia to defend human rights as basic as the right to live in peace and dignity. Read more... |
Omar Moreno, life and peasant struggle |
Hymn of the Indigenous Guard |
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