This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations that are part of La Via Campesina's global movement. To subscribe to our monthly newsletter click here
The elected representatives of people must frame public policies in their states to promote local production and distribution of a diverse basket of food. It is essential that every government everywhere, prioritises the autonomy of their citizens in designing their food systems. Read the full statement from La Via Campesina.
La Via Campesina backs the UN Special Rapporteur's observation that WTO policies have marginalised people's human rights concerns.
UN Human Rights Council, Geneva: Via Campesina and allies intervene at the #BindingTreaty negotiations virtually. Also read the campaign statement on the latest Treaty draft.
Young peasants call for a "Radical transformation of the food system", urges the UN Committee on Food Security to support food sovereignty
Land, agroecology & peasant identity: The experiences of young people in Nicaragua.
It's time to transform. It's time to Globalise Solidarity, Localise Agriculture!
"Namdu" – a producers' cooperative run and managed by farmers in Karnataka, India.
Mali: Union alleges intimidation and arrests of activists and leaders.
La Via Campesina extends solidarity and support to the people of Thailand.
Nyeleni Newsletter #41: "Beyond Land – Territory and Food Sovereignty" | #16October
This issue of the Nyéléni Newsletter looks at how land-related struggles have evolved over the past decades, starting with demands for agrarian reform to a more comprehensive framing, which asserts people's and communities' close and multi-faceted relationships to their territories. 
Peasant seeds are endangered. Yet tampering with our seeds is akin to tampering with our food and our food sovereignty. It is also an attempt to erase the social memory of living beings, as seeds contain the history, collective vision, knowledge and practice of peasant communities the world over.

This is why peasants everywhere are fighting for their preservation. Zin TV caught up with some of these peasants at the 7th International Conference of La Via Campesina in the Basque Country.

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