La Via Campesina at the World Social Forum in order to promote Food

Harare, 15 March, 2015 - La Via Campesina, an International Peasant 
Movement, will be represented at the World Social Forum in Tunis as from 
March 24th up to 28th by a bunch of fifty delegates, made up of peasant 
(men and women), farming labors, from more than 20 countries of the 
global regions, with a particular focus of the Arabic world delegates.
La Via Campesina considers this as an important space for mobilization 
opportunity around alternatives and proposals in favor of Food 
sovereignty as well as strengthening the solidarity with the allies and 
other social movements, mainly the Maghreb and Mashreq ones.
In fact, the 2015 WSF will be held at a crucial moment at which the 
social movement are seeking for justice, freedom and solidarity.  The 
set goals and orientations do take into consideration the political, 
social and economic changes in Maghreb-Mashreq, and as well in the 
African continent, with regard to the ecological and economical crisis 
around the entire globe.  The identified objectives are indications of a 
better solution to all these crucial issues, and promote the 
convergences and alternative construction.
According to N’Diakhate Fall, a CNCR Peasant leader in Senegal, and a 
member of the International Coordination Committee of la Via Campesina, 
« Food sovereignty is an alternative, if well implemented, can solve in 
major part the crisis being lived by humanity, mainly the food and 
climate crisis».
In Tunis, La Via Campesina will take part in many self-directed 
activities, and will be part of the Land and Water Global Convergence, 
the Resistance Global Convergence to the rhythm of the Transnational 
cooperation and a workshop to restore the local food systems with 
The complete agenda of la Via Campesina in Tunis is available here.
A press conference is scheduled on March 26th at 11h30 in a venue to be 
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+216 41293663
Boaventura MONJANE,
+216  41293767