One step closer towards a UN Declaration
The proposed UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas discussed in the Fourth Session of the OEIWG (held in May 2017) is the fruit of the efforts mobilized for the past several years by La Via Campesina, FIAN and CETIM along with State parties and other civil society organisations. Read the Full Statement |
Exchange of seeds between peasants is at the heart of the collective systems of conservation: La Via Campesina at the UN
Depriving peasants of their rights to conserve, exchange, use and sell their seeds, is an unacceptable attempt against human rights. Read More |
La Via Campesina emphatically defends Food Sovereignty in Geneva, at the UN
Food Security is about economic rights, and food sovereignty is about human rights. Peasants should have the right to define their own food and agriculture systems. Peasants should have the right to produce healthy and culturally appropriate food, through ecologically sound, socially just and sustainable methods. Read More |
Brazil: New massacre in Pará-Brazil exposes fragility of the State in solving land conflicts
Ten squatters – one woman and nine men – were murdered in the morning of the last Wednesday (24), in the camp Nova Vida, located in the farm Santa Lúcia, city of Pau D'Arco, in Pará (Amazon Region, in Brazil). Read More |
La Via Campesina calls for an immediate end to EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement
When it comes to farmers and food systems, agribusiness TNCs from Europe – which already export about 5.3 billion euros in agri-food commodities to Japan – expect the deal to end tariffs and regulations on Japan's agricultural products and processed foods, worsening the already disastrous effects of the corporate food system. European food companies want to sell whatever they can in Japan and the EU claims that the exports to Japan could solve the problems in its dairy and pork sector. Read More |
When the right to land is in our hands, we see a future which is more just, equal
Henry Saragih, while speaking at the UN emphasised that the right to land will democratize the economy in rural areas. "This means that we put peasants and other people working in rural areas as subject, to defend and to develop rural economies.", he said. Read More |
Free, prior and informed consent is must to tackle agrarian conflicts
On May 15, while intervening during the discussions on Article 1 till 4 of the draft declaration, Geeta Devarajan representing La Via Campesina's South Asian movements cited the issue of displacements in rural areas and emphasised on the need for free, prior and informed consent. Read More |
"We need peasants' rights now, not any later!" - chorus growing in Geneva
Al Abudi Ubai Fahmi from Palestine "...[These rights] are fundamental to the lives of peasants and rural population who feed and contribute to the world. We still remember how food crisis 2007-2008 exposed the neglect faced by peasants agriculture and rural population. Read More |
Rights violation documentation important evidence for our struggle
La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa (LVC SEAf) members and allies from African, Asian and European countries met in South Africa (April 18-21) to discuss the draft UN Declaration on the Rights of the Peasants. Read More |
A statement on Palestinian prisoners and the re-arrest of Abdulrazeq Farraj
The Israeli occupation government continues its repressive policies against the Palestinian prisoners and people; the latest violation was the re-arrest of Abdulrazeq Farraj, journalist and UAWC's administrative director from his house, at the midnight, in front his family. Read More |
Peasant networks and the future of food
The industrial food chain, dominated by transnational corporations that control food from seeds to supermarkets, uses 75% of the land and 80% of the water and fuel used in agriculture. Read More |
La Via Campesina: VIIth International Conference - Press Kit
The international peasant's movement La Via Campesina invites journalists from around the world to cover our VIIth International Conference, which will be held in Derio, Bizkaia (Basque Country), 16th – 24th July 2017. This will be preceded by the IVth International Assembly of LVC Youth and the Vth International Assembly of LVC Women. Download the English edition
A Place At The Table" by Lanworkers' Alliance
Duration: 4 Mins
The Landworkers' Alliance launched its post-Brexit policy recommendations outside Defra's offices -17 Smith Square, London – on Friday 21st April. Featuring a dining table promoting the high-quality fresh produce of our members, the launch highlights the need for small-scale and family farmers to be offered a 'place at the table' in upcoming negotiations over the future of UK agriculture policy. (Video by Jason Brooks for Lanworkers' Alliance). To know more and to download the report click here
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As a supporter who has contributed financial resources to La Via Campesina, and as an activist who joins us on the streets and in the fields, your support is always welcome and put to good use. You can renew your contribution to La Via Campesina by clicking here. |