Declaration of the
Youth Articulation
Meeting in Indonesia
Bagnolet | June
13, 2023
We, the peasant
youth delegates of
Asia, Africa, the
Americas, the
Caribbean, and Europe
of La Via Campesina
gathered at the
International Youth
Articulation Meeting
in Banten, Indonesia
from 29 May to 2 June,
2023. Dozens of us
traveled from our
communities to
strengthen our
relationships, prepare
for the VIII
Conference and our 5th
international youth
assembly, develop a
collective strategic
action plan, and
demonstrate our
commitment to La Via
United in our
diversity, during our
time together we
shared common
strategized about
alternatives together,
and committed
ourselves to carry
forward collective
proposals in a spirit
of solidarity,
internationalism and
transformation. We
reflected on our
respective regional
processes, concerns,
and dynamics in the
framework of the
common struggle for
food sovereignty and
the fight for
peasants’ rights.
We recognize
the significance of
connecting not only
with our cultural
roots, but to learn
from and with senior
members of our
organizations and
communities to bring
their experiences and
wisdom to our current
struggles. We
understand the
importance of walking
hand in hand with the
goal of expanding our
bases, reaching those
fighting capitalism,
imperialism, and
colonization on
different fronts, and
forging alliances with
other youth movements.
Together, we will
strive for a world
built on solidarity,
human dignity, and
social justice,
amplifying our
presence in all the
spaces where we fight.
Today, more than ever,
we are convinced that
peasant agroecology,
peasants’ rights, and
Popular Peasant
Feminism, are critical
pathways towards food
sovereignty and
climate justice.
With strength
and unwavering
passion, during our
time together in
Banten we outlined our
course of action to
confront the
challenges of our
time. We stand in
solidarity with the
struggles for food
sovereignty and commit
ourselves to advancing
our political
priorities for the
empowerment of our
Additionally, we
pledge to intensify
our fight against the
climate crisis and
engage in profound
discussions about
agricultural systems
and new technologies,
emphasizing the
primacy of agriculture
for and by peasants,
including the
preservation of
biodiversity and the
integration of
knowledge (ITK).
Crucially, we came to
clear understanding
that the crisis of
generational renewal
in agriculture is
global in scope. Both
our organizations and
the countryside are
suffering from the
increasing lack of
young peasant farmers.
Land grabbing, free
trade agreements, and
a lack of access to
markets and financial
resources, among
others, were
identified as critical
causes of youth flight
from agriculture.
we are observing a
phenomenon of forced
youth migration, as
they are compelled to
depart from their
countries and enter
the workforce as
exploited cheap labor
within the
agribusiness sector.
We stand in solidarity
with migrants, and we
commit to expanding
the mobilization of
young peasants within
our communities by
asserting our rights
protected under the
United Nations
Declaration on the
Rights of Peasants and
Other People Working
in Rural Areas (UNDROP).
We believe that young
peasants are the
future of food, but we
need drastic systemic
change to ensure there
are adequate resources
and support to
guarantee dignified
livelihoods in
agriculture for us and
the next generations.
We, the peasant
youth, possess the
determination to
change the world. We
are the agents of a
vibrant future,
wielding the
collective power to
dismantle existing
systems and propel
society forward. We
dare to dream of
utopia, to strive for
what may seem
impossible, to nurture
aspirations for a just
and equitable world.
We cultivate radical
hope, as we strive ,
fight, and emerge as
the heralds of
tomorrow. Now is the
time to infuse our
movement with joy and
creativity and share
our visions and
solutions far and
wide. We possess the
potential to be the
turning point, shaping
the future of the
world and society.
United, we
stand against
converging forces of
hegemonic food
systems: patriarchal
governments, and
corporations . These
neo-colonizers and
capitalists, shielded
by their wealth from
the realities of the
world, will not listen
to us. But this
shouldn’t discourage
us: we must create the
alternative systems we
seek to live in. To do
so, we must be
disciplined, and
committed to expanding
our movement and carry
our collective goals.
Let our voices
reverberate across the
planet, reaching every
To achieve food
sovereignty across
scales, the youth must
embrace farming and
political organization
dynamics, prioritize
peasants’ rights,
climate justice,
peasant agroecology,
seed sovereignty, and
generational renewal
in agriculture, as the
cornerstones of our
discourse. In order to
achieve political and
systemic goals, we
must be organized.
During our gathering,
we committed to
specific tasks related
to communicating our
struggles, developing
political education
strategies, and
strengthening our
structures. Over the
next four years we
will work together and
hold ourselves
accountable to
implementing the
action plan that we
created collectively.
in diversity, youth
peasants change the
For more
information, please
contact us at press@viacampesina.org