La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | Jan 2018
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                                                  Newsletter - June 2016
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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Onward to 2018!

#LaViaCampesina #2018 - The creation of La Via Campesina was principally founded on actions of solidarity, the urgency of mobilizing solidarity as a fundamental value in light of the evictions, repression, detentions and even massacres that peasants, men and women, were facing (and are still facing) in various parts of the world. Accordingly we highlight this call, just as we received the XV Navarre International Prize 2017 for Solidarity: "Globalizing the struggle also means globalizing solidarity, and the hope of the peoples of the world".

We feed the people and we build the movement to change the world!

To read the full text of our acceptance speech, follow this link:

Featured Articles [Dec '17  & Jan '18]

Celebrating the Failure of WTO Negotiation in Argentina"

With the outcomes of the 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11) considered a "total failure", La Via Campesina celebrates this impasse while calling on all movements to remain vigilant at the same time.  Read More

Argentina: Final Statement of the Peoples' Summit

The WTO and FTAs hide behind the mask of "green alternatives" while ultimately and solely supporting the extractivist model, especially mining and the extraction of fossil fuels. Read More

Open-letter to EU Commission: don't allow patents on plants & animals

Open letter addressed to European Commissioners (DG Growth, Agri and Sante) by ECVC, alerting them on the dangers of patents on plants and animals. Read More

The shameless fraud in the Honduras presidential elections

We reaffirm our support for the Honduran people, and we support their struggles in defense of their self-determination, and the peasant organizations that are filling the streets of the country. Read More

Three peasants have been killed by the security forces in Mali; eight others are in prison

Since 2011, there has been a terrible conflict over land ownership in seven villages in the Cercle de San in Mali.. Read More

"WTO Out – Building Sovereignty"

Read the full text of the Declaration by over 300 attendees of the Forum on Food Sovereignty from more than 30 countries in 4 continents – denounce first of all the violence of Free Trade. Read More

Anti-WTO protests spreads around the world.

Social movements around the world protested the devastating effects of WTO on world's people, just as MC 11 was underway in Argentina. Read about the protests in Indonesia, statements by Indian farmers , position paper by Korean peasants.

Forced evictions of MST members in northern Brazil

An aggressive attack is being waged against landless farmers in the northern state of Pará, Brazil, according to a statement released by the Landless Workers Movement (MST) in December. Read More

A year after signing of peace agreements:

European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) reports on the implementation of the peace agreements between the FARC EP and the Colombian government. Read More

Legally Binding Treaty on TNCs and Human Rights: Attempt at Sabotage in New York!

The European Union aims to Eliminate the Financing of the United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group Entrusted with Drafting a Legally Binding Treaty on TNCs and Human Rights Read More

Featured Publications

Nyéléni Newsletter no 32 – Climate Justice
Download your copy here

Featured Videos

WTO Kills
                                                    Farmers | La Via
                                                    Campesina protest
                                                    during 11th
                                                    Conference of WTO
"WTO Kills Farmers", La Via Campesina protest during 11th Ministerial Conference of WTO Watch Video
Cumbre de
                                                    los Pueblos
                                                    "Fuera OMC -
WTO Out! Building Sovereignty: A video report of the La Via Campesina delegtaion in Argentina Watch Video
#1 ¿Qué es
                                                    la Soberanía
What is food sovereignty? Watch Video

You are an important part of the autonomy of our movement

As a supporter who has contributed financial resources to La Via Campesina, and as an activist who joins us on the streets and in the fields, your support is always welcome and put to good use.

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