La Via Campesina | Call for International Solidarity with Colombia & Palestine
28 May 2021, Harare:  A month into the National Strike against the neoliberal reforms that seek to undermine rights, promote privatization and labor flexibilization, La Via Campesina joins social organizations and movements to express our solidarity with the people of Colombia and demand an immediate halt of the brutal state and parastatal violence exerted on young people, women, farmers, workers and indigenous peoples who have been manifesting tirelessly in defense of their rights. Read the full statement
23 May 2021, Harare: La Via Campesina calls for a United Nations fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in occupied Palestine and for the entire movement and committed allies to join the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid in our beloved occupied Palestine! Apartheid is a crime! Read the full statement
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