La Via Campesina | e-Newsletter | March-April Edition, 2017
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                                                  Newsletter - June 2016
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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World over members and allies of La Via Campesina commemorated the International Day of Peasant Struggles by organising solidarity marches, public events, land occupations, screening films, seminars and much more. Here is a glimpse of what  it looked like Facebook Album - and if you are on Twitter here are a few updates. To see the Global Map of Actions click here. You can also follow the hashtags - #17April, #17Avril, #17Abril, #PeasantsRights - on Facebook and Twitter for a comprehensive view of the solidarity actions worldwide and also check out our image slideshow here.

In our actions this #17April, we defended the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas

The initiative towards a United Nations (UN) Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas is one of the ways to legitimatize our struggles to build and reinforce food sovereignty where by our social, cultural, economic and political values are fully respected and upheld. We believe that in championing the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, humanity also wins.
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A UN Declaration for Peasants' Rights: Regional Consultations

In South Africa, India and Sri Lanka workshops and consultations were held early in April to provide further inputs into the ongoing negotiations for a UN Declaration on Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. 

Indonesia: Peasants mobilise for their rights

For peasants in Indonesia, two dates in April – the 17th and the 20th – hold massive significance in their persistent struggle for peasants' rights.
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NFU commemorates the International Day of Peasants' Struggle

We stand in solidarity with peasants around the world who face threats and discrimination, persecution and violence and we support the advance toward the UN Declaration of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. Read More

Post-Brexit Policy Recommendations 

The launch featured a dining table promoting the high-quality fresh produce of our members to highlight the need for small-scale and family farmers to be offered a 'place at the table' in upcoming negotiations over the future of UK agriculture policy. Read More

KRSS brings Young Farmers together in Karnataka, India

"Naavenmaadbeku?" ("What should we do?") - an introspection into the role Young Farmers can and should play in the political struggle for agrarian reform. Read More

Dairy Crisis: Soft landing turns into a real crash

Two years after the announcement that led to the end of the dairy quota regime March 31, 2015, no glimmer of hope looms on the horizon of dairy producers. Today, the majority of dairy producers in Europe continue to sell every kilo of milk at a loss. Read More

Marcha Campesina: remembering César Chávez and the struggle for justice and dignity

Chávez spent most of his life organizing farm workers to change their conditions of oppression and exploitation in the fields.This march was precisely held to remember Cesar Chavez and the cause for which he lived and died. Read More

Additional Blow to Agriculture Through RCEP Unacceptable: NOUMINREN

Farmers in Japan have a serious concern that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will damage small family farming and undermine the foundation of steadily feeding rising population in Asia. Read More

"The need for a UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants is more urgent than ever"

With the three days of rich exchanges, the Global Peasants' Rights Congress in Schwäbisch Hall, has set the pace for the needed global collective effort ahead of this May's UN Open-ended intergovernmental Working Group, which will try to finalize the Peasants' Rights Declaration.
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Brazil: 2016 the most violent year in the countryside since 2003

During the 90s, there was a decline in the number of deaths, and in 2000, there were 21 recorded assassinations. How can we explain that this number doubled in 2015 (with 50 recorded deaths) and tripled in 2016? Read More

Strengthen the Human Rights of Peasants: Sign the Petition

With more than 8000 signatures already collected, the petition targets the backing of 30.000 people, particularly from across Europe. Read More

KWPA opens 'Women Peasants' Agroecology School'

The agroecology program at the new school is divided into four learning sessions spread across several months, combining  theoretical and on-field training. Read More

Members of Landless Workers' Movement Imprisoned since November in Paraná 

The campaign 'My crime is to struggle" wants to denounce the process of criminalization that human rights defenders have been suffering in the country. Read More

India: People's Group reject RCEP

Cheap imports of palm oil, pepper and tea have devastated lives of peasants across South India. The RCEP will further aggravate this crisis, fears farmers' groups. 
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Unite against the FFA for the future of agriculture!

The agriculture that agribusiness offers us is nothing new. It merely follows the same path that has brought about the destruction of our soils, the deterioration of biodiversity, the pollution of our waters and the disappearance of our farms. Read More

Our food is not your agri-business! March 25 mobilisation in Rome

On the 60th anniversary of the founding Treaty of the European Union, the peasant women and men of ECVC, demonstrated in the streets of Rome demanding healthy and quality food, decent work, and a just and a sustainable agricultural policy in a Europe for the people and of solidarity. Read More

UAWC's statement on the occasion of Land Day

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) urges the Palestinian Authority (PA) to take a number of steps to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land, and support their resistance against the settlement expansion and the Apartheid wall. Read More

Bharatiya Kisan Union backs Tamil Nadu farmers protesting with human skulls in New Delhi

Tamil Nadu farmers called off their strike in Delhi on 23 April. Nearly 170 drought-affected farmers from the southern state have been on an indefinite protest in Delhi for 40 days.

In this article, BKU leaders explain why they back the demands of the agitating farmers from South of India. Read More

FTAs and Agriculture

Edition no: 29 of Nyeleni Newsletter is now online.
FTAs aren't just about 'trade'. They're comprehensive agreements to lock in free market capitalism, strengthen the power of global corporations, finance, and powerful governments and advance their geopolitical objectives. We must struggle for real systemic change, saying "no to FTAs and global free market capitalism", combatting racist politics and defending mother earth. We can't turn FTAs into tools of people power. They should be buried, not born again. Download the English edition

Conference of Agrarian Reform: In defence of
                                                    Life and Land!

In defence of Life and Land!

Duration: 21 Mins

As part of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Dorado dos Carajás Massacre, where 19 peasants and landless peasants were killed in their legitimate struggle for land on April 17, 1996, La Vía Campesina organized the International Conference on Agrarian Reform,in April 2016 in Brazil. It was a space that sought to update the debate on agrarian reform with its members and allies, while also reflecting on the strengths and challenges of the peasant movement. This video provides a glimpse of the rich exchages that occured over those five days.

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Journée des luttes paysannes à Perwez -

Action in Perwez: No to concreting agricultural land

Duration: 3 Mins

Video of the peasants' struggle day to defend agricultural land under threat in Perwez, Belgium. Watch Now 
Nyéléni Europe - Chapter #1

The second European Nyéléni Forum for Food Sovereignty

Duration: 10 Mins each

The second European Nyéléni Forum for Food Sovereignty brought together farmers, fisherfolk, pastoralists, gardeners, food and agricultural workers, researchers, activists and many more. This largest-ever European meeting on food sovereignty took place from October 25th to October 30th, 2016. Over 500 people from over 40 countries gathered to discuss how to reclaim our ever-more corporate-controlled food and farming system.

Watch Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

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