NO to
a reform of the
outside the WTO to
create an
trade framework
based on food
You invite us
to participate in a
council to “reform the
WTO”. But food
sovereignty can never
be achieved by the
WTO, whose very
purpose, the
globalisation of
international trade
and the accentuation
of “free trade”, is
contrary to food
sovereignty. So we are
obliged to refuse this
invitation. Based on
information gathered
from multiple sources,
La Via Campesina has
come to understand
that even within the
WTO, there is
resistance to the
Director General’s
(DG) unilateral
establishment of such
bodies, particularly
from developing
countries. It appears
that this initiative
by the DG is driven by
business groups who
have evident vested
interests in a
business advisory
council. Consequently,
it seems that the
creation of a CSO
council is merely a
superficial gesture.
We strongly reject it!
The last time
you invited us to the
negotiation table (and
we refused) was in
2005, following the
failure of the
negotiations in Hong
Kong, in the face of
an existential crisis
of your organisation
that since then has
never been resolved.
This crisis is now
reaching a climax. You
are trying to save
your organisation by
launching yet another
reform process, but
without ever calling
into question the very
philosophy of the WTO
and the reason for
your failure.
Agriculture remains
your “Achilles heel”.
We, the global
peasant movement, do
not want to negotiate
with the WTO. We want
the Agreement on
Agriculture repealed
and we want the WTO to
give us a breath : we
want the WTO out of
The demise of
the WTO is inevitable.
Your organization has
not only demonstrated
its futility, but more
importantly, its
detrimental impact.
Faced with the immense
challenges facing
humanity – world
hunger, the climate
crisis, wars,
inflation, social
inequalities, the
collapse of
pandemics, etc. – the
responses you propose
are making the crises
More and more
states are realising
that no solution will
be found with the
institutions that have
been the Trojan horses
of Western
neo-liberalism, the
WTO, the IMF and the
World Bank, for it is
these institutions
that have led to the
current disaster.
However, these states
have not yet found the
means to set up
institutions to meet
their needs. “The old
world is dying, the
new world is slow to
We fully
understand the need
for states not to be
excluded from the
possibility of
participating in
international trade.
The situation of
states that are
subject to unilateral
unjust sanctions
excluding them from
international trade
shows the importance
of a fair framework
for agricultural trade
in particular. La Via
Campesina does not
defend autarky, but
food sovereignty.
Thus, we call
on states not to waste
time in sterile
negotiations at the
WTO around a
hypothetical “reform”
that has never led to
anything for more than
20 years. We
invite states, and
in particular the
countries of the
Global South, to sit
around the table to
negotiate a new
framework for fair
and inclusive
international trade
based on food
sovereignty. These
negotiations could
take place in any
space that respects
multilateralism where
all states are truly
equal and where the
voice of civil society
organisations and in
particular small-scale
food producers will be
heard and taken into
account, for example
at the FAO or UNCTAD.
We, La Via
Campesina, commit
ourselves to work for
this new international
framework, just as we
did for the United
Nations Declaration on
the Rights of Peasants
and Other Rural
Workers (UNDROP). We
place ourselves under
the good auspices of
our brother, friend
and comrade Lee Kyung
Hae to carry out this
necessary task.
the Struggle,
Globalize Hope !
Faced with Global
Crises, We Build
Food Sovereignty, to
Ensure a Future for
Humanity !
La Via
29 May 2023
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