As stated by National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) "the losses that the blockade has caused to Cuban agriculture in these 62 years are enormous. But it has also demonstrated the capacity of farmers in the search for alternatives and solutions to the problems caused by the blockade imposed on Cuba".

Cuba has worked non-stop to implement policies towards Food Sovereignty and Food Security which have even been described as advanced programs by international organizations such as the FAO. In the midst of the complex epidemiological situation that the country is going through, the call for sabotage, vandalism and violence is nothing more than a vile act of opportunism and intervention.

As La Via Campesina we join the international community in demanding an end to the immoral blockade against Cuba, and we call on our member organizations, friends and allies to mobilize in solidarity and to remain alert to any kind of interference and attack against the sovereignty of Cuba.

Solidarity is the tenderness of the peoples!

Read the Full Statement