La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | Feb-March 2018
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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#8March 2018: Peasant women of La Via Campesina and allies mobilise world over | Highlights

A summary of several mobilisations in which peasant women joined other social movements to mark the International Women's Day. Read More

Featured Articles from Feb-March 2018

La Via Campesina International condemns Marcinho's murder and demands that the culprits be brought to justice!

Marcinho, 33, who was a prominent MST leader in the peasant struggle in Bahia, was murdered in front of his son with three gun shots to his head. Read More

Urgent Call for Support of SOC-SAT against eviction at Cerro Libertad

 A major battle is being fought by our members, the SOC-SAT workers' union, in Andalusia at the "Cerro Liberta" (Liberty Hill) estate in Jaen against BBVA, one of the largest financial multinationals in Europe. And they need our support!  Read More

FAMA final declaration reaffirms: "water is not a commodity, water belongs to the people"

Water is life, it is health, it is food, it is territory, it is human right, it is a sacred common good. Read More

In the face of system collapse, our major strength is an alternative known as Food Sovereignty

Member organisations of LVC met in Andalucia, to work on the common strategies and tactics of the peasantry to tackle the global challenges that they face. Read More

Traversing the dry corridor | an account of the peasant women cooperatives in Honduras

Environmental changes in the Dry Corridor – Corredor Seco – and Atlantic Coast have driven migration in Honduras, one of the countries most affected by climate change. Here, women have gathered together in old and new collectives, as they struggle to create economic opportunities and grow crops against increasing weather variability. Read More

"We speak out on behalf of those who defend lives, Marielle Franco is present with us

We call on the Brazilian state to conduct an immediate and rigorous investigation into the case of Marielle Franco, using its various relevant bodies. What is more, we demand justice for the hundreds of murders that have been denounced by our member organisations in Brazil. Read More

India Enraged: Farmers agitation reaches major cities

In two days, two major cities of India – Mumbai and Delhi – witnessed thousands of farmers and farm workers demonstrating peacefully but with a steely resolve to make themselves heard. Read

Puttannaiah ji, Rest in Power!

In a show of gratitude and solidarity to the innumerable struggles led by Shri K S Puttannaiah, the iconic peasant leader of Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha and Green Brigade, thousands of farmers from the state brought sacks of soil to dedicate it to him as he was being laid to rest. Read More

For food sovereignty and peasant rights, the struggle moves on: ECVC holds its 11th General Assembly

Armed with a fighting spirit and great solidarity, more than 50 peasant delegates from across Europe gathered in Brussels in mid-January to celebrate their 11th General Assembly (GA). The event was an excellent occasion to welcome two new candidate organisations and to carry out an action in front of the offices of the European Commission for the regulation of the new GMOs that the biotechnology sector is currently promoting. Read More

South East and East Asia Peasant Women extend unconditional solidarity to villagers resisting THAAD missile system in South Korea

Withdraw US War Weapon THAAD"
"No to THAAD, Yes to Peace  Read More

Featured Publications

Newsletter no 33 - Kids and Food Sovereignty
Download your copy here
Via Campesina Europe publishes an in-depth guide to Food Sovereignty
Download your copy here

Featured Videos

 Sowing Seeds of Resistance Watch Video
Farmers' Demonstration by BKU, India | March 2018 Watch Video

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