Edition: June 2024
La Via Campesina's 'PEASANT STRUGGLES' brings to you a monthly synthesis of articles and videos from our website and multimedia library.
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La Via Campesina: Climate Catastrophes require urgent global attention and response! Enough of False Promises and False Solutions!

In the face of this grave crisis, La Via Campesina has been calling on states and governments to adopt concrete and resilient alternatives for affected populations. It insists that the fight against climate change must have political will but also ensure that communities have control over their territories, not transnational corporations. It's urgent to change the system and transform food systems, identifying the responsible parties and their responsibilities, and implementing clear solutions such as the UN Declaration of Rights of Peasants (UNDROP), Peasant Agroecology and Food Sovereignty, which create dignified conditions, healthy nutrition, and regenerate life and nature. 


On June 25th, over 400 Kenyan officers arrived in Haiti as part of a neo-colonial strategy to undermine Haitian sovereignty. The deployment of Kenyan police forces in recent weeks has not prevented recent incidents of insecurity, such as the takeover of a police station in Port-au-Prince and attacks on food transporters on provincial roads, such as National Route 1 where gangs massacred civilians in the agricultural areas of Lower Artibonite, resulting in numerous casualties. READ THE REPORT.
Urgent Appeal to Save the Revolution and the Sudanese People
This war has resulted in an appalling humanitarian tragedy, costing the lives of over twenty thousand people, injuring another fifty thousand, and displacing over 8.5 million from their homes. In addition, the war has led to the almost total destruction of infrastructure, the looting of markets and farms, and the disruption of livelihoods, catastrophically worsening living conditions.
Sri Lanka: Social movements decry large-scale land grab in Kilinochchi
The People's Alliance for the Right to Land, an umbrella network of social movements, civil society organizations, and land rights activists in Sri Lanka, has warned of a large-scale land grab in Kilinochchi district for mineral exploration purposes. Tokyo Cement Company's controversial project involves acquiring 3,000 acres of land for limestone excavation and cement factory construction.
Neoliberalism and repression of social movements explain the rise of the far right in Europe
The far right has no answers to the multiple social crises facing rural areas in Europe. Everything they are proposing – which includes combating migration, limiting the rights of migrant workers, rolling back environmental measures, and so forth – will not improve the situation of people living in rural areas.
UK: The Landworkers' Alliance's Top Five Demands for the New Government
As part of its efforts to put food and farming higher on the political agenda, the Landworkers' Alliance has set out its top five demands for the next government. Emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable practices and increased support for farmers, the Alliance's demands highlight critical issues impacting the sector.


Uganda: Making a business case for agroecology and empowering small-scale farmers

Members of the Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers' Forum (ESAFF) explain how the new Agroecology Business Hub (ABH) is helping tackle three key factors for small-scale food producers; Access to Credit, Linkages to Local Markets and Building Capacities. 

Another Blow to Kenyan Government as High Court Extends Ban on GMO to October 2024
The statement by KPL also noted that the matter was significant because it touched on very critical issues affecting the Kenyan society; the right to quality and acceptable food, the right to health and not in the least, the economic & social rights of peasant farmers who produce over 80% of the food consumed locally in the country
La Via Campesina mobilizes for the defense of Democracy in Bolivia!
We stand in solidarity with and join the resistance of our Cloc – Vía Campesina Bolivia Organizations. We call on all our organizations worldwide to remain vigilant against these destabilizing strategies in Bolivia and the region.
Landless Women Building Free Territories: 40 Years of Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil
To think about the MST's organizational process is to think about the meaning of women's protagonism. The MST's organicity is only the way it is due to the feminist outlook addressing topics of human existence, like education, health, child care, the fight against gender-based oppressions, building agroecology, food sovereignty.
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Chengeto Sandra Muzira, a young peasant from the Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF) and a member of the International Coordination Committee of La Via Campesina, recently spoke on IFAD's Farms-Food-Future podcast. She highlighted the importance of sustainable land use in agroecological practices. Tune in Now!

Nyéléni Newsletter: Challenging the financing behind green and blue grabbing

This edition of the newsletter explores some of the varied and bewildering array of new schemes that financialize oceans, soils, seaweed, and forests.

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