La Via Campesina | e-newsletter | September 2017
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                                                  Newsletter - June 2016
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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On 'Food Sovereignty Day' La Via Campesina launches publication that calls for a massive change in the current agro-food systems

On the International Day of Action for Peoples' Food Sovereignty and against Transnational corporations, La Via Campesina officially launches its new publication "Struggles of La Vía Campesina for Agrarian Reform and the Defense of life, Land and Territories" that argues for a massive change in the current agro-food system, if we have to overcome the food, climate, poverty, financial, economic and democratic crises facing the planet and its people.

With the aim of strengthening the convergence of struggles, we will demonstrate in this publication that this change must be based on an integral and popular agrarian reform within the framework of Food Sovereignty. Download the Publication

Featured Articles 

Transforming Society as Capitalism Crumbles:

Lessons from Brazil's Peasant Movement. Rafael Soriano, a member of MST's Communications Collective, discussed this political climate with Débora Nunes, member of the National Directory of Brazil's Landless Workers Movement (MST). Read More

Mexico Earthquake: Call for economic assistance and solidarity!

The North American Region of La Via Campesina is asking for urgent economic assistance to support the peasants and indigenous peoples of Mexico to rebuild their lives, their homes, their plots and their communities. Read More

India: Private Firms undermine self-financing initiatives of rural peasant women

Private firms have been harassing peasant women in a variety of ways to recover their money. Tactics include turning up at odd hours in the night, verbally abusing women in front of others, pressurizing all the women from the SHG, locking up their houses, and so forth. . Read More

Social Movements Fight for Way Out of Global Food Crisis

Heather Gies, editor at argues that social movements organizing over the past decade offers reason for hope about the future of the food. Read More

29 new members accepted into La Via Campesina during the 7th Conference

The new members were presented by their respective regions, of which South America and Central America had the most new organisations- a total of 17. La Via Campesina now has about 186 member organisations in over 70 countries around the world. Read More

Bring Agrarian Reform under the President's direct command: SPI

Serikat Petani Indonesia – the Indonesian Peasants' Union – demanded that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) must immediately strengthen the agrarian reform agency at the local-to-central level and brings the program under his direct command.
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CETA the Wrong Deal for People says National Farmers Union

CETA is not about trade! CETA is all about limiting the ability of governments to govern in the public interest. CETA will expand corporate interests as paramount at the expense of our democracies.
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German Corporations exploiting legal loopholes to grab small farms.

The German LVC member AbL and the opposition green party in the German Parliament called the government to lease the land to peasants and landless to give them the chance to start farming.
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MAB Protests at the Vale Office in Rio de Janeiro

Approximately one thousand people denounce two years of impunity of the crime that occurred with the rupturing of the dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais (MG).  Read More

A new step forward in the process for a UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants!

The resolution on peasants' rights was adopted by the UN on Friday 29th of September 2017 by 34 votes in favour, 11 abstentions and 2 against.
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Featured Publications

                                                          Via Campesina
                                                          Conference, 19
                                                          to 24 of July
                                                          2017 -

Title: Stop New GMOs!

A beguiling refrain has been implying this for some time now, promising a series of "new breeding techniques" that would be clean, surgical, fully controlled and without any risk whatsoever. According to this refrain, these New Breeding Techniques, or NBTs, should above all not be classified as GMOs so as not to block their ongoing development. But what are these NBTs really?

Download the PDF


                                                          Via Campesina
                                                          Conference, 19
                                                          to 24 of July
                                                          2017 -

Title: Nyeleni Newsletter

September edition of Nyéléni Newsletter exposes the growing global threat of privatization and commodification of water

Edition: September, 2017

Download the PDF


Featured Videos

                                                    of Agrarian Reform:
                                                    In defence of Life
                                                    and Land!
Popular Agrarian Reform: In defence of Life and Land!
Watch Video
                                                    Dominicioiu, La Vía
La Via Campesina & the context of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) in Committee on Food Security (CFS) Watch Video

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