La Via Campesina | e-Newsletter | August, 2016
Header Image - EN Newsletter - June 2016
This edition of the newsletter is the result of a collective effort of organisations, which are part of La Via Campesina movement worldwide.
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'TTIP Stalls, WTO and FTAs Must Fall' | Press Release: International Day Against WTO and FTAs

On September the 10th, the International Day of Action Against WTO and Free Trade Agreements, La Via Campesina, the International Peasant Movement that brings together over 200 million peasants from 164 member organisations in 73 countries, commemorates the death of Lee Kyung Hae and continues to struggle to END WTO.

We call upon, on this day, our member organisations, allies and social movements of the world to mobilize against the neoliberal agenda of the WTO which promotes corporate power over humanity. We must continue to struggle to build a world based on food sovereignty. Read full press release


More Farmers, Better Food - A framework for British Agricultural Policy

The Landworkers' Alliance today announces eight key recommendations that will form the foundation of our post-Brexit representations to Defra and the Government's Environmental Audit Committee. Read More

World Social Forum 2016 | Day 1 Highlights

Several delegates comprising women, men, youth, and representing peasants and migrant agricultural and rural workers from several regions of La Via Campesina, are carrying messages of global solidarity and food sovereignty at the 2016 World Social Forum being held at Montreal, Canada. Read More

Southern Africa Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) on Transnational Corporations

The time has come to unite our struggles in Southern Africa - the campaigns, networks, movements and organizations that are combating transnational corporations - the way they are exploiting our destinies, natural heritage and human rights, dismantling public services, destroying the commons, fomenting violence and endangering food sovereignty in every corner of the continent. Read More

Press Invitation: Nyéléni Europe

Up to 1,000 people from 42 countries – small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists, consumers, urban gardeners, indigenous peoples, researchers, agricultural workers, environmentalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists – will converge from all over Europe for a series of workshops and discussions on how to take back control of the farming and food system. Read More

Shashe Agroecology School: A true centre of Agroecology and practical food Sovereignty

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has hosted on it's Family Farming Knowledge Platform profiles of successful agroecology, carried out by members of La Via Campesina(LVC). This joint effort comes as part of the collaboration between FAO and LVC to promote agroecology. Read More

La Via Campesina discusses the Criminalization of Movements and the Rights of Peasants

About 60 participants from 18 countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas participate in this Via Campesina Conference on Human Rights. Read More

Building global alliances and convergences for alternatives to capitalism

La Vía Campesina Youth Participate in Brazil's 2016 'International Summit for Struggling Youth': Building global alliances and convergences for alternatives to capitalism. Read More

Thank you Nicolas; farmworker, friend and tireless fighter for humanity

On the occasion of the death of our dear friend Nicolas Duntze, the Coordinating Committee and Working Group on Migration and Rural Workers of ECVC would like to extend our deepest sympathies to both his family and the Paysanne Confederation of France. Read More

Declaration of LVC Delegation to the 2016 World Social Forum

We, representatives of member organizations of La Vía Campesina from the North America Region (Union Paysanne from Quebec, National Farmers Union, Canada, National Family Farm Coalition, Rural Coalition and Border Agricultural Workers Project from United States), accompanied by LVC members from Europe, Palestine and Brazil took part in the World Social Forum in Montreal, Quebec from August 9-14, 2016.  Read More

The Struggle for Democratic Representation in Quebec Gets a Boost at the 2016 WSF

For years, Union paysanne members have been organizing to break the monopoly of the Union of Agricultural Producers (UPA) over the representation of farmers in Quebec. Read More

Statement from the Popular University of Social Movements Workshop held at Harare

From July 12-14 2016, various social movements and academics from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Spain and Portugal gathered in Zimbabwe's capital, Harare to discuss and debate the state of land, seeds, food, climate and people in Southern Africa.  Read More

Over 15 years' struggle for the recognition of peasants in the international human rights system

The current draft Declaration is the result of the work undertaken by La Via Campesina (LVC) over more than 15 years, supported by FIAN International and CETIM (Europe Third World Centre), with the support of other social movements. Read More

Zero Budget Natural Farming in India

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has hosted on it's Family Farming Knowledge Platform profiles of successful agroecology, carried out by members of La Via Campesina(LVC). This joint effort comes as part of the collaboration between FAO and LVC to promote agroecology. Featured here is the profile of Amritabhoomi in Karnataka, that promotes Zero Budget Natural Farming.. Read More

"We shall not rest until we've freed all our political prisoners", affirms Via Campesina

Between 18th and 20th August, La Via Campesina held a Conference on Human Rights at the Florestan Fernandes National School (Guararema, São Paulo) in which people's lawyers, rural movements and organisations discussed the criminalisation of the worldwide struggle borne by social movements. They brought forth a multitude of proposals aimed at strengthening, expanding and substantiating LVC's Collective of Human Rights.. Read More
WSF 2016: Carlos Marentes from La Via Campesina, Pat Mooney ETC group, Lise-Anne Leveille Union Paysanne-La Via Campesina, Eric Holt-Giménez Foodfirst, debating about corporate strategy to control the food system. Watch Now
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
#WSF2016: Peasant Agriculture can feed the world and cool the planet
WSF 2016: Dena Hoff from La Via Campesina North America, spoke at the session on "Climate Change - Crisis or Collapse?" held at Université du Québec à Montréal. In this video, she speaks about the movement's efforts of setting up agroecology schools around the world. Watch Now
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
Some of the most fertile land and water resources in West Bank is controlled by Israel, says Youssef Nasser at #WSF2016
WSF 2016: Youssef Nasser, from the Union of Agricultural Committee in Palestine speaks about the dispossession and lack of access to land and water under the Israel regime. Watch Now
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
La Via Campesina Delegation at FSM 2016
WSF 2016: Several delegates comprising women, men, youth, and representing peasants and migrant agricultural and rural workers from several regions of La Via Campesina, carried messages of global solidarity and food sovereignty at the 2016 World Social Forum that was held at Montreal, Canada from 9-14 August. Watch Now 
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
La Via Campesina Delegation at FSM 2016
WSF 2016: Several delegates comprising women, men, youth, and representing peasants and migrant agricultural and rural workers from several regions of La Via Campesina, carried messages of global solidarity and food sovereignty at the 2016 World Social Forum that was held at Montreal, Canada from 9-14 August. Watch Now 
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
#FSM2016: Carlos Marentes explaining Popular Agrarian reform
WSF 2016: Carlos Marentes of La Via Campesina North America explains what is Popular Agrarian Reform. He was talking in a panel organized by WhyHunger with the participation of First Nation representative, Food First in the World Social Forum, Montreal, Canada. Watch Now 
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
#FSM2016: Agroecology Alliance Final Declaration | La Via Campesina
WSF 2016: Farmers from Union Paysanne Quebec and La Via Campesina readout the final declaration of the AgroEcology Alliance, at the World Social Forum in Quebec. The forum took place from 9-14 August 2016. Watch Now 
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
FSM 2016 Montreal: First Nation Eriel Tchekwie and  Gitz Crazyboy from Athabasca Chipewyan met with LVC and NGO's
WSF 2016: First Nation, La Via Campesina, WhyHungher and Food First representative met to talk and share opinion and common future struggles. Watch Now 
Video Credit: Focus Puller / WSF TV
Ce înseamnă să fii țăran / țărancă în România? / What does it mean to be a peasant in Romania?
What does it mean to be a peasant in Romania? 
By Carlo Bolzoni and Guglielmo Del Signore for Eco Ruralis association.
Watch Now

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