Nyéléni Newsletter: Communicating for Food Sovereignty

The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! 

Food sovereignty, among the multitude of ideas that it encompasses, is also about defending the billion diversities that exist on this planet, and is a celebration of our many unique practices, tastes, cultures and customs. An important pillar in this struggle for food sovereignty is the role played by popular rural cultures, of peasants, fisher-folk, family farmers and Indigenous Peoples. These communities are inheritors of a rich and diverse tradition of oral and visual forms of communication, whether in the form of folklore, legends, tales, proverbs, songs, murals and more. These varied forms of communication are also the recorded histories of human struggles and survival.

However, this diversity is, today, under threat. Just as the agro-industrial complex pushes for a homogeneous, singular view of a global agrifood system, the international-corporate-media complex has also resulted in a singular, centralized form of mainstream communication. A handful of corporations today control much of what we read or watch and how people access information.

Despite the challenges, organized peoples and communities around the world are countering this marginalization of peoples' culture. The current edition of the Nyéléni newsletter focuses on the wide variety of popular, community-driven communication approaches, drawing inspiration from local symbols, context and culture. It explores how these approaches are integral to pedagogy among peasants, family farmers, Indigenous Peoples and fisher-folk, crucial for political formation and popular education, and an essential element of our struggle for food sovereignty.

Click here to download the English edition or read it directly on the website at www.nyeleni.org !