For your mobilizations on April 17, you can use these postcards published on the website of Via Campesina TV .
You will also find various videos to celebrate April 17 :
- One recorded in different languages by the members of the Coordinating Committee of La Via Campesina , during their last meeting in Nicaragua.
- One in Portuguese, solidarity message from Confederação Nacional de Agricultores of Portugal
- One in spanish, message from the Sindicato Labrego Galego of Galicia
- A Basque song saying: " My friend takes my hand , together we can change the world by taking care of our seeds , since it is essential for life "
- One message in Norwegian from Norsk Bonde -og Småbrukarlag (NBS )
- And two videes in Italian from ARI ( Associazione Italiana Rural ) and AIAB ( Associazione Italiana per l' agricoltura Biologica ).
- One video made by Students in Syria to implement an awareness campaign on natural seeds protection and organic farming to Syrian farmers in northern Syria.
Enjoy your April 17 !