Indonesia bargaining position in EU CEPA is questionable
Zainal Arifin Fuad, from Serikat Petani Indonesia / Indonesian Peasant Union, argued that the flow of free trade and agricultural products from EU will marginalize the agricultural products from Indonesian farmers. Read More |
UAWC appeal against law to legalize West Bank settlement spots
This law would allow the Israeli occupation to authorize thousands of Israeli settlements units, and 53 Israeli spots, as well as, to confiscate 8,000 dunums from privately owned Palestinian lands. Read More |
Food Sovereignty within a new Agricultural Policy!
CAP hasn't addressed the near extinction of small farmers in many regions of Europe (90% of farms have been lost in the last 30 years in certain regions), or the abusive use of antibiotics in high concentration animal farms. Read More |
"CETA is a false solution to economic and political woes" - National Farmers Union
Farmers in Europe understand that CETA is another threat to their livelihood. In Canada, some farmers will see immediate income pressures as CETA comes into effect. Read More
Crofters gather to discuss Brexit implications
The event aimed at setting a 'crofting agenda' for the upcoming Brexit negotiations and a post-Brexit agricultural policy that is fit for crofting. Read More
Condemnation of the murder of Suleiman Hammad, Palestinian farmer
La Vía Campesina strongly condemns the brutal and intentional murder of our comrade Suleiman Hammad, an 85-year-old Palestinian farmer who on February 8th, 2017 was run over by an Israeli settler, while walking to work on his land near Al-Khader Village, south of Bethlehem. Read More
Taking Agroecology to Scale
Zero Budget Natural Farming peasant movement in Karnataka, India This paper, produced as part of the self-study process, specifically examines Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), a grassroots peasant agroecology movement in Karnataka, India. ZBNF ends reliance on purchased inputs and loans for farming, positioning itself as a solution to extreme indebtedness and suicides among Indian farmers. Access the full version of the paper
We are the women's strike. Solidarity is our weapon. Watch Now
Marco Aurelio, from MST (Brazilian Landless Workers Movement), spoke to Newsclick on current developments in Brazil. Since the constitutional coup in September 2016, that deposed President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's rightwing politicians have been busy cutting allocations in social sectors, revising labour laws and undermining the progressive Constitution. Social movements such as MST have been in the forefront in creating broad based progressive platforms to oppose the Temer Government. With the rightwing increasingly losing legitimacy, Former President Lula of the Workers Party is widely expected to win the 2018 elections. Watch Now
PODCAST: ZoominKorea's Julian Cho and Hyun Lee explore these questions in our pilot podcast, which includes an exclusive interview with women farmers in Seongju and Gimcheon–Lee Hae-kyoung, Kim Jong, Yoon Geum-soon and Ham Soo-yeon–who have been on the front lines of the fight against the THAAD deployment. Listen in
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