Via Campesina | e-newsletter | March 2019
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#8March: Around the world



There were demonstrations by women all over the country; in São Paulo, 50,000 women gathered on Paulista Avenue. There were also important mobilizations in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Fortaleza, Salvador. Thousands of women took to the streets to protest against the dismantling of Social Security, the increase in feminicide and the setbacks of the Bolsonaro government, in addition to celebrating the legacy of feminist activist Marielle Franco. On March 14, 2019, the women of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers, MST, and the National Movement for Sovereignty in Mining, MAM carried out a blockade of the rails and stopped the cargo train of mining giant Vale, denouncing the social and environmental crimes in Mariana and Brumadinho, in the state of Mina Gerais.


Women in Honduras took direct action against the Ministry of Justice, in that country where more than 6,000 people have been prosecuted for conflicts related to access to land. It is estimated that 1700 of these prisoners are women. The organizations denounced the alarming criminalization that has its most atrocious expression in the murders. In the last 9 years, around 120 agrarian and peasant activists have been murdered for defending their lands.


In Colombia, a territory riddled with violence and persecution, women demanded that the genocide and the judicial processes against popular, indigenous, peasant and peasant leaders must stop; and that defending life, peace and territory should not mean death and exile, or jail, but rather, on the contrary, that it gives rise to social and political recognition as a citizen of a country that is moving towards democracy.


In Japan peasant members of Nouminren joined a march of solidarity outside the Japan Education Centre, also marking the 40th anniversary of the Treaty on Elimination of Discrmination on women.

El Salvador 

In El Salvador, on March 8, feminists, members of the National Health Forum, the Women's International Democratic Federation and La Via Campesina of El Salvador took to the streets and marched together to demand their right to live free from all forms of discrimination and violence.


In Argentina large marches were registered, the struggle against the legalization of abortion is a flag within the feminist movement of the cities and the countryside, green scarves gain more followers on a global scale. 


In Lugo, Spain, the women of the Sindicato Labrego Gallego took to the streets together with allies. The Andalusian Union of Workers, SOC – SAT also carried out several actions in Andalusia. 


In Srilanka peasant members of MONLAR organised women in a campaign against expolitative micorfinancing businesses that has trapped the communities in deep debts. Several hundred women, among them peasants and rural workers demonstraed in Vavuniya, a town in the Northen province of Srilanka.

South Korea 

In South Korea, peasant members of the Korean Women Peasant Association (KWPA) organised a Sister's Feminism Talk, in which activists explained their long struggle against patriarchy, how they carved a space for themselves within the peasant movement in Korea. 
To read a detailed update of the direct actions that women of La Via Campesina took worldwide
click here

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