i’m konrad and i just reworked a lot of haml/sass/js code from the
coquelicot codebase :).
we currently use coquelicot from the debian repositories on
teilen.systemausfall.org and i wanted to support mobile devices for our
you can find the code here:
i would like to see these changes in the upstream repository and also
have plans to work on the js codebase some more. but before i do that i
would like to hear if anyone of the current maintainers and/or
contributors has some comments on my progress and the changes i’ve made.
if you’re fine with what you’re seeing now i would start to implement a
modern js-build-stack. this would include:
* javascript build dependencies managed by npm
* a es6/es-2015 codebase based on modules
* a minified javascript distribution build via webpack
what i’ve liked about the current codebase is that i could just start
changing things after i installed the ruby deps. i’m not sure i can
achieve the same thing with the javascript-build like you did with the
sass integration (auto-rebuilds on change). but what is surely missing
from the current javascript codebase are modularity and tests and this
would be a start.
comments appreciated :)
bye konrad
many thanks for your work on this great project and for maintaining it
in Debian!
The simplepass authentication method is all I need to restrict access to
the upload interface. The only issue is that browsers like Firefox or
Chromium don't offer to save the upload password. So users have to find
other ways to save the password.
I did a little bit of digging and it seems that Firefox and Chromium
only offer to save the password if a username input element is supplied
in the same form alongside the password input element. As a workaround,
I added a dummy username input field that is used for nothing and it
worked. I attached the diff.
Unfortunately, I didn't check the mailing list. Otherwise, I would have
seen the patch from Rowan Thorpe that adds a userpass authentication. I
didn't test the patch but it looks like adding only one account with the
userpass auth method would solve the issue, too.
Best regards,
public/javascripts/coquelicot.auth.simplepass.js | 11 +++++++++++
views/auth/simplepass.haml | 3 +++
2 files changed, 14 insertions(+)
diff --git a/public/javascripts/coquelicot.auth.simplepass.js b/public/javascripts/coquelicot.auth.simplepass.js
index 3fd3626..db4c5f7 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/coquelicot.auth.simplepass.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/coquelicot.auth.simplepass.js
@@ -30,3 +30,14 @@ var authentication = {
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('#simplepass-auth-submit').remove();
+ var submit = $('<input type="submit" />');
+ submit.attr('value', 'Login');
+ submit.attr('id', 'simplepass-auth-submit');
+ $('#upload-authentication').append(
+ $('<div class="field" />').append(
+ $('<div class="submit" />').append(
+ submit)));
diff --git a/views/auth/simplepass.haml b/views/auth/simplepass.haml
index 04809e2..8374a83 100644
--- a/views/auth/simplepass.haml
+++ b/views/auth/simplepass.haml
@@ -16,5 +16,8 @@
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ %label Upload User:
+ %input.input{ :type => 'text', :name => 'upload_user' }
%label{ :for => 'upload_password' } Upload password:
%input.input{ :type => 'password', :id => 'upload_password', :name => 'upload_password' }
Website: https://fossencdi.org
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