Hello everyone,
I discovered the project on Debian and integrated it[1] into a Debian
pure blend known as FreedomBox[2]. It looks like there hasn't been
development on Coquelicot since December 2016.
The feature set is quite interesting and useful. I see a lot of
potential for improvement in the UI and UX. The app can be made more
mobile-friendly and support features like drag and drop to upload.
I'm working on making some UI/UX improvements to Coquelicot on my fork
on Debian Salsa [3].
2. https://freedombox.org/
3. https://salsa.debian.org/njoseph-guest/coquelicot
Joseph Nuthalapati
On a Debian stable server, I installed Coquelicot and followed
For some reason, this install will let me use Coquelicot via http, but
not https. I don't mind too much for the upload part (perhaps I should),
but I would like the download url to work via https
When trying to access the upload service via https, Firefox will warn:
ssl3_get_record:wrong version number, and Chromium says:
I see nothing in the server logs that helps me.
Anybody have any ideas?
this is what I added to the
/usr/share/doc/coquelicot/examples/coquelicot.apache2 sample
configuration copied into sites-enabled/coquelicot
(port and link are not the real values)
<Location /link>
SetEnv proxy-sendchunks 1
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-SSL "on"
By the way: on Debian the package is marked for autoremoval on 5 May due
to ruby-minitest-shared-description: #893823