Garbage collection ... "fix" for Fixnum/Bignum
by Gijs Hillenius
Hi there..
FWIW .. in the Debian (stable) package, there is
which has lines 45 and 46:
Fixnum.send(:include, Coquelicot::Num)
Bignum.send(:include, Coquelicot::Num)
if these are changed:
Integer.send(:include, Coquelicot::Num)
Integer.send(:include, Coquelicot::Num)
This will prervent the cron.d/coquelicot garbage collection from sending
warning messages every 15 minutes.
4 years, 10 months
wish list: coquelicot should support pass and browserpass
by Gijs Hillenius
Hi there!
It would be neat if Coquelicot would support the use of browerpass - the
Firefox and Chromium plugin on Linux systems that links these browsers
to pass - a password manager.
I just noticed that currently, browserpass will erroneously fill
Coquelicot's upload password into the "encrypt the file with password"
field. Oops.
Kind greetings
4 years, 11 months