Coquelicot 0.9.1 is out!
What's new? ===========
This release fixes a two embarassing bugs that crept in the initial release:
* Fix an embarassing typo which prevented Coquelicot to load with Ruby >= 1.9. * Fix upload progress tracking.
There's also two small changes to better follow best practices:
* Add missing XML namespace in default layout. * Be more specific when catching loading failures.
Upgrade procedure =================
If you have installed Coquelicot from a source tarball, unpacking the new tarball on top of the previous one should do the trick.
If you have installed Coquelicot using a clone of the Git repository, the update should be as simple as:
git fetch origin git tag -v coquelicot-0.9.1 git merge --ff-only coquelicot-0.9.1
Download ========
The source tarball can be downloaded at: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.1.tar.gz
OpenPGP signature: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.1.tar.gz.asc
SHA1 checksum: f1451725bd71f0cf67f13e7bdb06a127b8f1806f SHA256 checksum: b8d0a53975f60108820c74b8a67b77ea4180f90d1c441bf5828bc352215b559d