Coquelicot 0.9.4 is out!
What's new? ===========
Well… a least, a new release after more than two years! The biggest change is that integration tests have been rewritten using Cucumber. This should make discussing new features easier. The default expiration time is now one day, and the cache directory is now configurable.
In details:
* Make the directory for cache files configurable. This adds a new `cache_path` setting. Thanks to Rowan Thorpe for the original patch. * Make the default selection for the expiration time match the default setting. * Switch the default expiration time to one day. This should be less surprising to users uploading huge files. Thanks drkvg for prodding me long enough to do this. * Stop IMAP and LDAP authenticators to error out when authentication fails. They now properly just deny the authentication requests as they should have. * Make sure that we read and write binary files as such. This should improve compatibilities with certain Ruby installations. * Do proper integration testing using Cucumber. * Update and clean up dependencies. * Other minor improvements: - Upgrade to RSpec 3 and fix the remaining deprecation warnings. - Specify the license in the gemspec. - Explicitly require on tilt/haml and tilt/sass to avoid race conditions.
Upgrade procedure =================
If you have installed Coquelicot from a source tarball, unpacking the new tarball on top of the previous one should do the trick.
If you have installed Coquelicot using a clone of the Git repository, the update should be as simple as:
git fetch origin git tag -v coquelicot-0.9.4 git merge --ff-only coquelicot-0.9.4
In both cases, you will then need to update the dependencies:
bundle install
Download ========
The source tarball can be downloaded at: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.4.tar.gz
OpenPGP signature: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.4.tar.gz.asc
SHA1 checksum: 74818c673c067dad322894b1bc3c0a1c0b2fe4a4 SHA256 checksum: 7200ab2fa4180dd5484cbfde4ad9d44cb2949ec89cd95918f8bdce636c39cd99
Please note that the key used to sign the release has changed. The new one is signed by the previous one and by a good amount of people. It is also included in the Debian keyring.