Coquelicot 0.9.5 is out!
What's new? ===========
This is follow-up release fixing a few bugs which quickly became apparent when running 0.9.4.
In details:
* Fix preselection of the expiration time set in the configuration. * Remove usage of the deprecated $.browser in jQuery plugins. This makes them compatible with jQuery 1.9+. * Upgrade bundled jQuery to version 1.11.3. * Add missing `require` for some Cucumber features.
Upgrade procedure =================
If you have installed Coquelicot from a source tarball, unpacking the new tarball on top of the previous one should do the trick.
If you have installed Coquelicot using a clone of the Git repository, the update should be as simple as:
git fetch origin git tag -v coquelicot-0.9.5 git merge --ff-only coquelicot-0.9.5
Download ========
The source tarball can be downloaded at: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.5.tar.gz
OpenPGP signature: https://coquelicot.potager.org/dist/coquelicot-0.9.5.tar.gz.asc
SHA1 checksum: 3d39ed95ae7b5d3557e6fabe9f4fb16d73b3c341 SHA256 checksum: b18f2e85b17874000f380cba5c97a873972ec3966247194647aa3f438972d03a