Hello everyone,
I discovered the project on Debian and integrated it[1] into a Debian pure blend known as FreedomBox[2]. It looks like there hasn't been development on Coquelicot since December 2016.
The feature set is quite interesting and useful. I see a lot of potential for improvement in the UI and UX. The app can be made more mobile-friendly and support features like drag and drop to upload.
I'm working on making some UI/UX improvements to Coquelicot on my fork on Debian Salsa [3].
1. https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/plinth/commit/ff9d061e98df79c77b25e...
3. https://salsa.debian.org/njoseph-guest/coquelicot
Hi Joseph!
Joseph Nuthalapati:
I discovered the project on Debian and integrated it[1] into a Debian pure blend known as FreedomBox[2]. It looks like there hasn't been development on Coquelicot since December 2016.
The feature set is quite interesting and useful. I see a lot of potential for improvement in the UI and UX. The app can be made more mobile-friendly and support features like drag and drop to upload.
I'm working on making some UI/UX improvements to Coquelicot on my fork on Debian Salsa [3].
Cool! :) I'm glad you like Coquelicot. The software is working well enough for my taste, and I have very little to spend on it. But I'll gladly merge any contributions when they are ready.
As a Debian developper, my target platform is Debian, so it's nice you're aiming to support FreedomBox.
On Monday 26 February 2018 11:28 PM, Lunar wrote:
Hi Joseph!
Joseph Nuthalapati:
I discovered the project on Debian and integrated it[1] into a Debian pure blend known as FreedomBox[2]. It looks like there hasn't been development on Coquelicot since December 2016.
The feature set is quite interesting and useful. I see a lot of potential for improvement in the UI and UX. The app can be made more mobile-friendly and support features like drag and drop to upload.
I'm working on making some UI/UX improvements to Coquelicot on my fork on Debian Salsa [3].
Cool! :) I'm glad you like Coquelicot. The software is working well enough for my taste, and I have very little to spend on it. But I'll gladly merge any contributions when they are ready.
As a Debian developper, my target platform is Debian, so it's nice you're aiming to support FreedomBox.
Thanks Lunar.
I'm currently getting started with Ruby and Coquelicot. I don't have much time to spend on Coquelicot, but since I was working on a mobile app for FreedomBox, I felt that the web applications hosted on it should be mobile-friendly too. I will mostly focus on that initially.
I will keep posting to this mailing list for suggestions and comments, and when I have something to show.
Sorry for the long gap since the last email.
I've managed to integrate twitter-bootstrap3 into Coquelicot and used the default styles from bootstrap. I don't know how to properly integrate a CSS library into a ruby project, so I've just added the minified files for now into the patch. The Debian package for Coquelicot can depend on the Debian package for twitter-bootstrap3 I suppose.
These changes were finished 2 months ago. I had plans for more changes, but wasn't finding the time. So, I thought it's better to show and get feedback on what I have done so far. Please find the attached patch and a screenshot of how the new UI looks like on mobile.
I'm also planning to add a button to copy to clipboard on the page that displays the file URL. Will send that patch later.
I'm a ruby newbie. Please make the necessary changes to use a gem or Debian package for the bootstrap library. When Bootstrap 4.x is available in Debian (soon, hopefully), I will make the necessary changes for the upgrade.
Joseph Nuthalapati njoseph@riseup.net wrote:
On Monday 26 February 2018 11:28 PM, Lunar wrote:
Hi Joseph!
Joseph Nuthalapati:
I discovered the project on Debian and integrated it[1] into a Debian pure blend known as FreedomBox[2]. It looks like there hasn't been development on Coquelicot since December 2016.
The feature set is quite interesting and useful. I see a lot of potential for improvement in the UI and UX. The app can be made more mobile-friendly and support features like drag and drop to upload.
I'm working on making some UI/UX improvements to Coquelicot on my fork on Debian Salsa [3].
Cool! :) I'm glad you like Coquelicot. The software is working well enough for my taste, and I have very little to spend on it. But I'll gladly merge any contributions when they are ready.
As a Debian developper, my target platform is Debian, so it's nice you're aiming to support FreedomBox.
Thanks Lunar.
I'm currently getting started with Ruby and Coquelicot. I don't have much time to spend on Coquelicot, but since I was working on a mobile app for FreedomBox, I felt that the web applications hosted on it should be mobile-friendly too. I will mostly focus on that initially.
I will keep posting to this mailing list for suggestions and comments, and when I have something to show.
Coquelicot mailing list Coquelicot@potager.org https://listes.potager.org/listinfo/coquelicot
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