(Geneva, June 27th, 2014) On June 27th, the United Nations Human Rights
Council Assembly passed a resolution authorising the continuation of the
process of drafting an international declaration on the rights of
peasants and other people working in rural areas. Bolivia is in charge
of starting up informal consultations between States and civil society
as well as organising the second session of of the Intergovernmental
Open-Ended Working Group, which is scheduled to take place in November
The declaration project originated with the Via Campesina, and it is
the fruit of ten years of work on the part of this international
movement which is comprised of more than 164 organisations in 73
countries. The Via Campesina set itself the task of categorising the
forms of discrimination suffered by people working in rural areas
(peasants, agricultural workers, nomads and pastoralists, fishers,
indigenous peoples, landless workers, etc.) and, with the support of
organisations such as FIAN-international and CETIM (the Europe-Third
World Centre), of defining the specific human rights applicable to their
In March 2012, the Assembly of the Human Rights Council accepted the
final text resulting from a series of studies carried out by the
Council's Consultative Committee. In September 2012, the Assembly voted
to create an Intergovernmental Open-Ended Working Group that was given
the responsibility of drafting a declaration on the basis of the
preliminary version annexed to the final study. In July 2013, the
intergovernmental group held its first working session.
Thus, at the Human Rights Council's 26th session, the member states
voted on the resolution (for the renewal of the intergovernmental
group's mandate) that was presented by Bolivia. 29 countries supported
the resolution; 13 countries abstained; and 5 countries voted against
the resolution_ (*)_.
For the Via Campesina these figures, which show growing support for the
declaration process, are an indication of success (In 2012, there had
been 23 votes in favour, 16 abstentions, and 9 in opposition). It should
be noted that countries such as France, Austria, Germany, Italy, and
Ireland, which had previously opposed the resolution, this time took the
option of abstaining. This was not only the result of intense advocacy
with their respective governments by the peasant organisations of the
European Coordination of the Via Campesina and by civil society
organisations, but it was also an encouraging sign that governments are
looking upon peasant agriculture more favourably. The various Via
Campesina delegations carried out their advocacy work during the
In the coming months, the Via Campesina and its allies will redouble
their efforts to overcome the continuing reticence of certain States and
to convince them of the need for a declaration of this kind. At a global
level, this international declaration project will serve to protect
peasant agriculture as a whole - an agricultural model that produces 70%
of the world's food on barely 25% of the land. The Via Campesina is
defending small scale peasant agriculture both in the South and in the
North of the globe.
The Via Campesina expresses its thanks to Bolivia, South Africa, Cuba,
and Ecuador for their efforts within the Human Rights Council to bring
about constructive advances in the work on this project.
YES (29): Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China,
Congo, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Ethiopa, Gabon, India,
Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, South
Africa, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Vietnam
ABSTAIN (13): Austria, Botswana, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland,
Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Maldives, Mexico, Montenegro, Macedonia
NO (5): Czech Republic, Rep. of Korea, Romania, United Kingdom, United
States of America