SUMMARY: This annual report [1]highlights the struggles and activities
we had and the progress we made in 2019. These happened in the context
of a world faced with many complex and interconnected challenges that
heightened political crises and triggered mass mobilizations and
protests broke out in all corners of the earth. What is clear and common
among the protests is that economic inequality, poverty, and climate
crisis can no longer be tolerated. In the context of contradictory
realities of hope and desperation, the people, both rural and urban, are
fed up and disillusioned with the current neoliberal political-economic
order. Only a radical societal transformation upheld by food sovereignty
can repair the current polarization and bring peasants, workers, and the
majority of the poor into the center stage of the political and economic
questions facing the world today. We need to build greater unity and
solidarity to struggle against exploitation and criminalization in all
its forms. One way to do this is to strengthen the existing solidarity
mechanism by developing an emergency response system and giving legal
support to those imprisoned for defending our rights. UN Declaration on
the Rights of the Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas is
one of the legal instruments we will use to strengthen local and
national struggles for agrarian reform, agroecology, popular peasant
feminism, and food sovereignty.
Download PDF Report [1]
Publication date: May 2020
Available in Spanish [2] and French [3]