International Day of Peasant Struggles: Build Solidarity! Enough with
the genocide, evictions and violence!
17 April 2024 Peasants' Rights
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* Español
* Français
17 April 2024, Bagnolet | Declaration by La Via Campesina
*17 April 2024 – Today is the International Day of Peasant Struggles.* A
moment when we, La Via Campesina, commemorate the 28th anniversary of
the El Dorado de Carajás Massacre in Brazil and denounce the impunity
with which peasant and indigenous people are harassed, attacked and
criminalized around the world. Every year, our movement dedicates this
day to mobilize in support of the ongoing struggles of peasants, rural
communities, indigenous groups, pastoralists, fisherfolk, migrants, and
rural workers.
As a global peasant movement, we persistently denounce and resist
various forms of oppression—genocides, wars, hunger, evictions,
persecution, criminalization, and systemic violence—within a
geopolitical landscape dominated by the advancing forces of imperialism,
neocolonialism, and exploitative capitalism. Our efforts, that also
found a full consensus at the recetly concluded 8th International
Conference, encompass a diverse set of initiatives, including the UN
Working Group to monitor the implementation of the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural
Areas, the efforts to broaden the global movement for Food Sovereignty
by actively contributing towards the Nyéléni Global Forum for Food
Sovereignty in 2025, a host of global solidarity campaigns, and our
sustained advocacy for an alternative trade framework based on Food
Sovereignty. These actions exemplify La Via Campesina’s response to the
crisis-ridden context we confront.
On this International Day of Peasant Struggles, our member organizations
worldwide are engaged in a myriad of activities. These include
demonstrations of denunciation and solidarity, seed exchanges, planting
of traditional crops, sale of agroecological products, conferences with
other social movements, and various other actions. These efforts nourish
global processes and propel collective demands for Food Sovereignty and
social justice. Below is a succinct overview of the most notable
struggles at the global level.
*Neocolonialism’s Grip: Genocides, Wars, Crises, and Starvation Across
the Globe*
Across various nations, the pernicious effects of neocolonialism are
starkly evident. In *Palestine*, UAWC farmers are urgently calling for a
ceasefire amidst the genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza, a crime
against humanity which has resulted in the loss of over 33,000 lives and
has left hundreds of thousands, particularly children and women, in dire
conditions of starvation. Actions such as denunciation, sustained
solidarity, and humanitarian aid contributions are needed to assist the
affected families. Similarly, *Sudan* grapples with a brutal civil war,
supported by imperialist and regional forces, ravages the country with
the aim of plundering its resources. This conflict, ignored by the
international community, has displaced more than 6 million people,
destroyed infrastructure and aggravated famine. Sudanese peasants calls
for an end to this foreign intervention to allow the people to determine
their destiny and preserve unity.
In *Haiti*, the country is facing a worsening crisis of hunger and
insecurity, akin to a slow genocide. Criminal gangs disrupt food
distribution, driving up prices amid fuel shortages. Despite these
challenges, peasants bravely supply urban centers, traveling dangerous
routes, where they often face robbery, kidnapping and murder. Haitian
peasant organizations advocate for a people-driven political transition
free from colonial interference. Meanwhile, *Cuba*, the peasantry
strongly denounces the inclusion of the country on the US terrorist
list, together with the severe economic blockade, which drastically
affects its sovereignty. In the framework of the 65th anniversary of the
Agrarian Reform, peasant families and farm workers ask the States to
advocate for Cuban rights to national and food sovereignty, which will
allow them to continue feeding the population. In Ecuador, the peasantry
is struggling against the escalating militarization and breach of
international law, particularly highlighting the presence of the
Southern Command in South America under the influence of the U.S.
Furthermore, rural communities in *Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali*,
constituting 80% of the population, bear a disproportionate burden of
neocolonial sanctions imposed by ECOWAS, the West African Economic and
Monetary Union, and the European Union. In response to this threat to
the right to food in Sahelian communities, our member organizations are
actively engaging in advocacy efforts at the UN, seeking to liberate
countries from neocolonial influence.
*Assassinations and persecution of those who defend land,
territories and life persist*
In *Argentina*, a leader of the peasant organization MOCASE was murdered
by an armed gang associated with land usurpation in the northern region
of the country. Peasants demand justice and condemn the pervasive
violence and frequent evictions inflicted upon them by powerful groups
connected to agribusiness. At the same time, peasant farmers in
*Tanzania* are facing repeated arrests and imprisonment for farming on
ancestral lands claimed by powerful businessmen. The government’s
actions to transfer village lands into block farms for export crops are
displacing thousands of farmers and threatening water access. Similar
conflicts are erupting nationwide, reminiscent of the failed ProSavana
project in *Mozambique*. Despite challenges, Tanzanian farmers are
organizing resistance to defend their lands against corporate
agriculture and potential new waves of land grabs. In *Australia* the
small-scale farmers are denouncing the introduction of a neoliberal
biodiversity market which further commodifies nature, provides incentive
to concentrate land ownership, and threatens the loss of farmland. Also
in *Guatemala*, indigenous-peasant organizations condemn ongoing
evictions in territories and remain committed to advancing food
sovereignty within the country.
*Panama*‘ s peasant organization persists in its challenge to
extractivism in all its forms, especially opposing mining activities.
They highlight the crucial role of promoting democracy in the upcoming
elections to address the plight of marginalized communities affected by
exploitative practices, which has claimed the lives of dozens of
indigenous and peasant leaders. Also in *France*, the draft agrarian
orientation law promoted by the government is facing backlash from
peasant organizations. Criticized for accelerating a social plan that
fuels the disappearance of farmers, the bill is condemned for promoting
the concentration of land and resources, disadvantaging the majority.
Meanwhile, in *Thailand*, our member organization’s battle against the
impact of dams, highlighted especially by the adverse effects of the
Sirinthorn dam on local communities, underscores the urgent need for
fair compensation, sustainable land management practices and
environmental justice. In *Indonesia*, peasants in Kutai Barat, East
Borneo and Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi are criminalized for mobilizing
to defend their land and food production ; this is in a context in which
the peasantry is demanding support at the national level for the minimum
price of the rice they produce.
*Mobilizations continue against public policies that impoverish the
peasantry and fuels hunger*
Peasant struggles in *Sri* *Lanka* persist against national debt and the
IMF, with recent victories seen in their campaign against microfinance
credit firms. Following sustained advocacy efforts, the government has
reversed a proposed amendment. In *Bangladesh*, BAFLF continues its
fight for improved wages for farm laborers on state-owned university
farms, while in *Pakistan*, PKRC grapples with mounting debt and soaring
prices. In *Nepal*, ANPFA intensifies its battle against proposed ‘land
banks,’ which it views as a threat to commons and indigenous lands.
On the other hand, Peasant communities in *Uganda* are struggling with
the negative impacts of Large Scale Land Based Investments (LSLBI),
which often fail to benefit local areas as promised. Particularly in
regions like Northern Uganda, small-scale farmers, especially those in
the coffee sector, face challenges engaging with large-scale investors,
resulting in marginalization and limited benefits. In Zimbabwe,
escalating food prices and currency devaluation worsen food insecurity,
affecting millions regionwide. Concurrently, flooding and water scarcity
exacerbate the crisis, underscoring the pressing need for sustainable
agricultural solutions.
In *Belgium* and across *Europe*, farmers are demanding fair prices and
incomes, urging an end to negotiations on unfair trade agreements such
as the EU-Mercosur deal. While some progress has been achieved, recent
EU proposals have been inadequate. With European elections looming,
peasants are determined to press for their rights and seek support for
agroecological practices and the preservation of peasant seeds. In the
same vein, as *India* gears up for upcoming elections, peasant
organizations are intensifying their calls for improved prices and legal
assurances regarding minimum support prices. Concurrently, they persist
in their resistance against GMOs and advocate against regulatory
relaxations for GM maize field trials.
*Agrarian reform gains traction as UNDROP is put into action*
In *Brazil*, peasant communities, inspired by the enduring spirit of the
April Red, born 28 years ago after the massacre of Eldorado do Carajás,
continue to tirelessly campaign for agrarian reform and food
sovereignty. Their steadfast dedication to these causes remains a focal
point in ongoing struggles, both regionally and globally. Continuing the
struggle, *Colombia* recently reached a milestone by securing
recognition for peasants as rights-holders with special constitutional
protection. The movement vigorously advocates for agrarian reform,
leveraging the UN-endorsed Peasant Rights Declaration as a political
tool. As a further step towards implementing UNDROP for agrarian reform
and ensuring equitable access to commons. This country hosted an
International Conference on Global Land Grabbing with the participation
of an international delegation from La Via Campesina. This event marks
one of many actions the movement is taking globally to implement UNDROP
in diverse countries and communities.
Standing in solidarity against all violations of human and peasant
rights, continuing the struggle against neocolonialism, patriarchy, and
capitalism, and unwaveringly committing to agroecological transition for
climate justice —these are the core principles driving the food
sovereignty global struggle championed by La Via Campesina and its
member organizations.
On this International Day of Action of peasant struggles, we unite and
raise our voices:
*Build Solidarity! Enough with the genocide, evictions and violence!*
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*Webinaire de l'Articulation des Femmes de La Via Campesina :
"Les femmes palestiniennes en résistance contre le génocide et la faim"*
Chères, chers ami·es, camarades, allié·es et membres de La Via Campesina,
Nous sommes ravi·es de vous inviter à notre prochain webinaire intitulé
"Les femmes palestiniennes en résistance contre le génocide et la faim",
qui mettra en lumière les besoins humanitaires urgents et les défis
auxquels font face les femmes et les enfants à Gaza en pleine crise
Israël mène une guerre génocidaire contre les Palestinien.nes, prenant
pour cible les civil.es (de manière disproportionnée les femmes et les
enfants), les bâtiments résidentiels, les hôpitaux, les écoles, les
lieux de culte, les terres agricoles et toutes les infrastructures
sociales de base. Israël a imposé un blocus total à Gaza, empêchant les
2,3 millions de Palestinien.ne.s de Gaza d'avoir accès à la nourriture,
à l'eau, à l'électricité et au carburant. L'entrée de l'aide humanitaire
est également restreinte. Les agriculteur.rices et les pêcheur.euses
n'ont pas accès à leurs terres et à la mer.
Nous vous réservons également un temps important de 45 minutes pour
interagir avec les femmes palestiniennes, poser des questions et
partager des propositions pour les soutenir collectivement.
Invitées palestiniennes :
• Tahrir Jaber, membre de l'Union des Comités de la Femme Palestinne
• Sammer Abu Safiya, militante féministe originaire de la bande de Gaza
• Samah Abu Naama, membre des Comités de Travail Agricole et
militante féministe et coopérative
Ouverture du webinaire : Torkia Chebi, présidente de l'association
tunisienne Million Rural Women and the landless , Tunisie
Clôture du webinaire : Khadija Rhamiri ICC et membre de FNSA Morocco
Date : 21 Mars 2024
Heure : 7h00 Quito, 13h00 Europe, 14h00 Palestine
Lieu : En ligne https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85403722501
En solidarité indéfectible
La Via Campesina
In unwavering solidarity
*La Via Campesina*
*Invitación al seminario web de la Red de Mujeres de La Vía Campesina:
Las mujeres palestinas en resistencia contra el genocidio y el hambre*
Queridxs amigxs, camaradas, aliadxs y miembrxs de La Vía Campesina,
Nos complace invitarles a nuestro próximo seminario web titulado "Las
mujeres palestinas en resistencia contra el genocidio y el hambre", que
pondrá de relieve las urgentes necesidades humanitarias y los retos a
los que se enfrentan las mujeres y los niños de Gaza en plena crisis
Israel está perpetrando un genocidio contra lxs palestinxs, atacando a
civiles (afectando desproporcionadamente a mujeres y niñxs), edificios
residenciales, hospitales, escuelas, lugares de culto, tierras agrícolas
y toda la infraestructura social básica. Israel ha impuesto un bloqueo
total a Gaza, impidiendo que lxs 2,3 millones de palestinxs de Gaza
tengan acceso a alimentos, agua, electricidad y combustible. La entrada
de ayuda humanitaria también está restringida. Los agricultores y
pescadores no tienen acceso a sus tierras de cultivo ni al mar,
También hemos reservado 45 minutos importantes para fomentar el diálogo
con las mujeres palestinas, a través de preguntas y propuestas para
apoyarlas colectivamente.
*Invitadas palestinas :*
* Tahrir Jaber, integrante de la Unión de Comités de Mujeres Palestinas
* Sammer Abu Safiya, activista feminista de la Franja de Gaza
* Samah Abu Naama, integrante de los Comités de Trabajo Agrícola y
activista feminista y cooperativista
Apertura del seminario web: Torkia Chebi, Presidenta de la asociación
tunecina Millones de Mujeres Rurales y Sin Tierra, Túnez
Clausura del seminario web: Khadija Rhamiri, CCI de LVC, y parte de FNSA
Fecha: 21 de marzo de 2024
Hora: 7:00 Quito, 13:00 Europa, 14:00 Palestina
Ubicación: En línea https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85403722501
En solidaridad inquebrantable
*La Vía Campesina*
Edition: March 2024
La Via Campesina's 'PEASANT STRUGGLES' brings to you a monthly synthesis
of articles and videos from our website and multimedia library.
Read, share and help us globalize the struggle!
#17April: International Day of Peasant Struggles
2024 started with massive protests of peasant farmers in Europe, Asia,
and other parts of the world against destructive agricultural policies.
These demonstrations are not limited to seeking fair prices and a
dignified life for peasants but also express the need for a society
oriented toward a future where peasant agroecology prevails over
agribusiness methods and where social justice and the dignity of
everyone are ensured. It is imperative to guarantee that no one is
forced to leave their land, family, and culture to seek a better life
elsewhere while sacrificing their lives to feed their families.
On April 17, we will occupy the streets and all spaces where peasant
struggles are left to forcefully reaffirm our peasant path and
strengthen food sovereignty in our territories. We strongly urge all
members, allies, and supporters of La Via Campesina to mobilize now and
throughout April, united in a single solidarity voice to support the
struggles of peasants against global crises.
Build Solidarity! Enough with the genocide, evictions and violence! [3]
#8M24 - "With conviction we build Food Sovereignty and we fight against
the crisis and violence!" [4]
As part of this day of action, we denounce all kinds of violence, evils
of the capitalist and patriarchal system that exploits and oppress
women, we manifest against the femicides as the most ruthless expression
of violence expressed over the women, childhoods and diversities bodies.
Women from the Landless Workers' Movement mobilize across Brazil [5]
On March 6th, the National Day of Struggle of Landless Women 2024
commenced, concluding on Friday, March 8th, the International Women's
Day of Struggle. The MST women rallied in support of rural and urban
workers advocating for agrarian reform, while also urging for ongoing
mobilization for social justice.
Thailand's anti-dam struggle, role of peasant women in the fight for
dignity and livelihoods | Interview [6]
"The latest case, the Pong Khunpet Dam, is an example of how even though
the dam construction is complete, the people refuse to move out because
the government did not provide them with new land. The dam is not
working completely, but they opened the water gate a little, which is
causing flooding in the community."
Dominican Republic's Gender Gap is at 70.4%. Feminist Manifesto calls
for change [7]
The manifesto highlights ongoing challenges faced by Dominican women,
advocating for gender equality and social justice. It condemns violence
against women, calls for legislative reforms, and urges political
engagement to address systemic inequalities, emphasizing the personal as
Chile: ANAMURI held #8M24 event with indigenous and peasant women who
are rebuilding since the deadly fires [8]
ANAMURI and allies hosted a solidarity event on March 9th at Cerro
Achupallas, Viña del Mar. The event honored the courage of women
affected by tragic fires, paid homage to victims, and supported affected
Sri Lanka: Proposed regulatory body would impact community savings and
credit initiatives [9]
MONLAR denounced the newly proposed Regulatory Authority for
Microfinance and Credit, alleging that its over-reaching mandates would
criminalize community savings and credit initiatives--with catastrophic
consequences for rural women.
The Voices of Palestinian Women [10]
Listening to the voices of Palestinian women is fundamental to
understand the historical and current forms of genocide against the
Palestinian people. The occupation imposed restrictions on resources,
demanding imported products that became very expensive. Palestinian
women constitute 78% of the people responsible for agricultural work.
Spain: Only 3 out of 10 Euros from CAP go to Land Managed by Women [11]
According to data from the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA),
the proportion of CAP aid received by women-owned farms significantly
lags behind that of men, with only 27.5% of direct aid and 26.34% of
Rural Development aid going to women.
#8M24 The anti-patriarchal struggles are at the heart of the
struggles of peasant women and our movement. Their complexity
represented a great challenge that involved all of us, women, men, and
diverse identities, facing the latent violence that the countryside
experiences due to various systems of oppression.
The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) led the initiative
to provide aid to Gaza and the West Bank. Support thousands of affected
Palestinian families by providing them with food, water, and essential
This video provided a Haitian perspective on Haiti's history, from
the devastating European invasion to its struggle for independence and
ongoing resistance against oppression. Inspired by Dessalines and other
leaders who led the rebellion against slavery and secured independence
in 1804, Haitian peasants rise again to confront neocolonialism and
foreign interference, questioning the complicity of the international
community in the country's current situation. Join the mobilization by
listening to Haitian voices, reflecting on the future of Haiti.
You are an important part of the autonomy of our movement
As a supporter who has contributed financial resources to La Via
Campesina, and as an activist who joins us on the streets and in the
fields, your support is always welcome and put to good use.
You can renew your contribution to La Via Campesina by clicking on the
Donate button on our home page [18] and following the link to our PayPal
account. [19]
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write to viacampesina(a)viacampesina.org
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TV: www.tv.viacampesina.org
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