Nyéléni process: Recognizing the power of people’s movements
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online!*
In 2007 the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC)
played a vital role in uniting small-scale food producers and their
allies to establish a shared vision of food sovereignty and implement
strategies to make it a reality. Over time, a robust global movement for
food sovereignty emerged, gaining significant political recognition.
Together, we have achieved the democratization of global food and
agricultural arenas, including the reform of the Committee on World Food
Security. Our struggles also influenced food sovereignty policies in
various national contexts and successfully secured political
acknowledgment of peasants as rights holders through the ratification of
the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in
Rural Areas.
However, our achievements are now under threat due to an extended period
of systemic crises. Right-wing forces, authoritarian regimes, and the
corporate capture of democratic governance spaces are on the rise
globally, accompanied by the dismantling of the United Nations
multilateral system. Human rights violations against peasant and
Indigenous communities, along with climate change, biodiversity loss,
armed conflicts, and hunger, are escalating rapidly. Furthermore,
renewed threats to food sovereignty come from new business
configurations, in which hedge fund speculation firms and digital
technology titans join forces to oil the wheels of the failing
agro-industrial production system.
In this context, the IPC advocates for a new global Nyéléni process,
leading up to the next Nyéléni Global Forum in India in 2025.
Recognizing the power of people’s movements, we aim to strengthen
solidarity and unity by bridging local and global struggles. We are
striving to adopt an intersectional perspective to address the
multi-dimensional global crisis effectively.
By collaborating with climate justice, workers’ rights, feminist,
solidarity economy, anti-war, youth, and other movements, we seek to
resist the corporate takeover of governance spaces, safeguard human and
collective rights worldwide, protect ecosystems, and secure a dignified
life on Earth for present and future generations.
/IPC for food sovereignty, Friends of the Earth International, La Via
Campesina, Transnational Institute/
/Click here to download the English edition (pdf)/
or read it directly in the website
For any further information, contact info(a)nyeleni.org – www.nyeleni.org
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Illustration: /Andrés Mateo Ayala Luna @calma_88
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Political Declaration of the Youth Articulation Meeting in Indonesia
Bagnolet | June 13, 2023
We, the peasant youth delegates of Asia, Africa, the Americas, the
Caribbean, and Europe of La Via Campesina gathered at the International
Youth Articulation Meeting in Banten, Indonesia from 29 May to 2 June,
2023. Dozens of us traveled from our communities to strengthen our
relationships, prepare for the VIII Conference and our 5th international
youth assembly, develop a collective strategic action plan, and
ultimately, demonstrate our commitment to La Via Campesina.
United in our diversity, during our time together we shared common
challenges, strategized about alternatives together, and committed
ourselves to carry forward collective proposals in a spirit of
solidarity, internationalism and systemic transformation. We reflected
on our respective regional processes, concerns, and dynamics in the
framework of the common struggle for food sovereignty and the fight for
peasants’ rights.
We recognize the significance of connecting not only with our cultural
roots, but to learn from and with senior members of our organizations
and communities to bring their experiences and wisdom to our current
struggles. We understand the importance of walking hand in hand with the
goal of expanding our bases, reaching those fighting capitalism,
imperialism, and colonization on different fronts, and forging alliances
with other youth movements. Together, we will strive for a world built
on solidarity, human dignity, and social justice, amplifying our
presence in all the spaces where we fight.
Today, more than ever, we are convinced that peasant agroecology,
peasants’ rights, and Popular Peasant Feminism, are critical pathways
towards food sovereignty and climate justice.
With strength and unwavering passion, during our time together in Banten
we outlined our course of action to confront the challenges of our time.
We stand in solidarity with the struggles for food sovereignty and
commit ourselves to advancing our political priorities for the
empowerment of our movement. Additionally, we pledge to intensify our
fight against the climate crisis and engage in profound discussions
about agricultural systems and new technologies, emphasizing the primacy
of agriculture for and by peasants, including the preservation of
biodiversity and the integration of indigenous technological knowledge
(ITK). Crucially, we came to clear understanding that the crisis of
generational renewal in agriculture is global in scope. Both our
organizations and the countryside are suffering from the increasing lack
of young peasant farmers. Land grabbing, free trade agreements, and a
lack of access to markets and financial resources, among others, were
identified as critical causes of youth flight from agriculture.
Simultaneously, we are observing a phenomenon of forced youth migration,
as they are compelled to depart from their countries and enter the
workforce as exploited cheap labor within the agribusiness sector. We
stand in solidarity with migrants, and we commit to expanding the
mobilization of young peasants within our communities by asserting our
rights protected under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP
<https://viacampesina.org/en/tag/undrop-booklet-2022/>). We believe that
young peasants are the future of food, but we need drastic systemic
change to ensure there are adequate resources and support to guarantee
dignified livelihoods in agriculture for us and the next generations.
We, the peasant youth, possess the determination to change the world. We
are the agents of a vibrant future, wielding the collective power to
dismantle existing systems and propel society forward. We dare to dream
of utopia, to strive for what may seem impossible, to nurture
revolutionary aspirations for a just and equitable world. We cultivate
radical hope, as we strive , fight, and emerge as the heralds of
tomorrow. Now is the time to infuse our movement with joy and creativity
and share our visions and solutions far and wide. We possess the
potential to be the turning point, shaping the future of the world and
United, we stand against converging forces of hegemonic food systems:
patriarchal capitalism, authoritarian governments, and multinational
corporations . These neo-colonizers and capitalists, shielded by their
wealth from the realities of the world, will not listen to us. But this
shouldn’t discourage us: we must create the alternative systems we seek
to live in. To do so, we must be organized, disciplined, and committed
to expanding our movement and carry our collective goals. Let our voices
reverberate across the planet, reaching every corner.
To achieve food sovereignty across scales, the youth must embrace
farming and political organization dynamics, prioritize peasants’
rights, climate justice, peasant agroecology, seed sovereignty, and
generational renewal in agriculture, as the cornerstones of our
discourse. In order to achieve political and systemic goals, we must be
organized. During our gathering, we committed to specific tasks related
to communicating our struggles, developing political education
strategies, and strengthening our organizational structures. Over the
next four years we will work together and hold ourselves accountable to
implementing the action plan that we created collectively.
*Unity in diversity, youth peasants change the world!*
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La Via Campesina responds to the WTO’s purported plans to set up a
‘Civil Society Council’
29 May 2023 Key Documents (WTO)
World Trade Organisation
Recently, La Via Campesina received a request to participate in a civil
society “council” to the WTO executive. After careful consideration, we
decided to decline this invitation. *Through this open letter*, we wish
to explain why we believe it is impossible to reform the WTO in a way
that is favourable to peasants and, more generally, to the interests of
the people.
Since 1995, the WTO has aimed to facilitate and increase the share of
international trade in world production and consumption. Compared to the
GATT, one of the main changes brought about by the creation of the WTO
was to integrate agriculture into this logic of generalized free trade.
As early as 1993, La Via Campesina, as a world peasant movement, was
created against this logic of globalization and commodification of
agriculture and food. The principles of free-market ideology and the
legal frameworks that have governed international trade over the past
three decades have deep roots in the history of colonialism. It was
clear to the vast majority of peasant organizations around the world
that giving priority to international trade over agricultural production
for feeding local populations would only accentuate the marginalization
of peasant populations, worsen hunger in the world and increase the
power of transnational companies.
The Agreement on Agriculture, which came into force in 1995 and was to
be applied for a limited period of time, is so unfair that, since then,
no agreement has ever been reached between the WTO member states on the
agricultural issue. As the title of the late Jacques Berthelot’s book
expresses it, “agriculture is the Achilles heel of globalization”, and
therefore the eternal Achilles heel of the WTO.
*This year, in 2023, we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the tragic
death of our brother, friend and comrade Lee Kyung Hae from South Korea*
who gave his life in Cancun in 2003 to denounce the WTO. In his memory,
we call to finally end the WTO and build a new framework for fair
international trade based on food sovereignty.
An unfair agreement on agriculture
The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is fundamentally unfair. It is the
direct result of the 1992 Blair House agreement between the United
States and the European Union, which sets out a common strategy for
these two actors to the detriment of the other states of the world, and
in particular against the interests of the countries of the Global South.
Export subsidies are certainly limited in principle (although in reality
they continue via various mechanisms), but replaced by direct support
from the US and the EU to farmers. However, this direct aid, whose very
purpose is to maintain the competitiveness of US and European production
on international markets, is classified in the “green box” of so-called
“non-distorting” support. Most countries in the South do not have the
budgetary capacity to distribute such levels of public aid to farmers:
the green box is reserved for rich countries that control international
monetary production. On the contrary, market regulation tools and in
particular agricultural price support measures (tariffs, supply
management mechanisms, MSP minimum support prices, public stockholding,
etc.), which are more accessible to poor countries, are classified in
the amber box and are therefore subject to significant reductions. The
AoA is an agreement tailored to the United States and the EU, against
the countries of the South. African, Asian and Latin American countries
have very good reasons to denounce this unfair agreement.
From the point of view of peasants in the South and the North, this
agreement has had disastrous consequences, as we predicted in 1993. All
over the world, the power of transnational companies has increased and
they have succeeded in increasing their margins to the detriment of the
peasants, who have received only a minimal share of the value of their
production. In the South, these companies have also grabbed more and
more land, water sources and seeds, to the detriment of peasant
communities and often in a violent way, based on the WTO agreements, but
also on the structural adjustment programmes imposed by the IMF and the
World Bank. In the North, farmers on small and medium-sized farms have
received little or no direct aid (80% of farms in the EU are smaller
than 10 hectares), but they have suffered from the fall and volatility
of agricultural prices following the dismantling of market regulation
tools (the end of milk quotas for example). They were put in competition
with large farms that received tens of thousands of dollars or euros in
public subsidies.
More generally, the AoA has been a disaster for people and the
environment. Food supply chains have become globalised: when major
shocks occur on international markets and prices soar with financial
speculation, indebted countries that have become dependent on imports to
feed their populations are extremely vulnerable, as we saw at the time
of the 2008 crisis, but also currently. Thus, far from the declarations
of the 1996 food summit which promised to end hunger through
international trade, the opposite is happening. Hunger is increasing,
fuelled by poverty and social inequality. Rural populations are driven
out of their territories by land grabbing and lack of agricultural
income and migrate to cities or neighbouring countries. Agrarian
countries are becoming poorer. Huge industrial monocultures for export
are replacing the diverse mixed farming methods that used to produce
healthy food for local populations. Pesticides, synthetic fertilisers
and GMO seeds are proliferating and polluting the water, soil and air,
seriously affecting the health of rural populations.
This is the result of almost 30 years of AoA: green deserts, hunger and
a dying countryside.
*La Via Campesina’s historic struggles for food sovereignty*
On the contrary, since 1996 we have affirmed the need to build and
defend food sovereignty, i.e. the right of peoples to decide on their
agricultural and food policies, without dumping on other peoples.
Food sovereignty includes the right of peoples, and therefore of States,
to distribute land and water use rights not according to a so-called
“law of the market”, but according to the general interest. It includes
the right of states to put in place public policies to regulate the
market so as to guarantee agricultural production in line with the needs
of the population and at stable prices. It considers the importance of
production methods, and in particular agroecology, to protect the health
of territories and populations. It gives priority to local production
and consumption of food, not to exports of agricultural goods. It puts
people, especially small-scale food producers, and in particular women
and youth, at the centre, rather than the interests of transnational
companies and financial actors.
For years, we have seen that the WTO continues to be a powerful
instrument for the destruction of people’s food sovereignty. The WTO is
used by rich, agro-exporting countries to denounce and criminalise
policies that aim to support peasant agriculture, regulate agricultural
markets and stabilise food prices for people. For example, the constant
denunciation via the WTO of public storage is a shame. In March 2022, we
were given access to WTO documents that contained threats to use the
dispute settlement body against Egypt, which expressed a pressing need
to increase its public stocks to ensure food for its population in the
face of the sudden rise in prices on international markets. Similarly,
the group of African countries, India, China, South Africa, the G33 and
the ACP group have been expressing the need to allow public storage to
support their local food production and fight hunger for many years, and
they are not being heard.
Food sovereignty is not compatible with the AoA, nor with the very
principles of the WTO. This is why we have always denounced the AoA and
said “Down Down WTO”.
*NO to a reform of the WTO, YES to multilateral negotiations outside
the WTO to create an International trade framework based on food
You invite us to participate in a council to “reform the WTO”. But food
sovereignty can never be achieved by the WTO, whose very purpose, the
globalisation of international trade and the accentuation of “free
trade”, is contrary to food sovereignty. So we are obliged to refuse
this invitation. Based on information gathered from multiple sources, La
Via Campesina has come to understand that even within the WTO, there is
resistance to the Director General’s (DG) unilateral establishment of
such bodies, particularly from developing countries. It appears that
this initiative by the DG is driven by business groups who have evident
vested interests in a business advisory council. Consequently, it seems
that the creation of a CSO council is merely a superficial gesture. We
strongly reject it!
The last time you invited us to the negotiation table (and we refused)
was in 2005, following the failure of the negotiations in Hong Kong, in
the face of an existential crisis of your organisation that since then
has never been resolved. This crisis is now reaching a climax. You are
trying to save your organisation by launching yet another reform
process, but without ever calling into question the very philosophy of
the WTO and the reason for your failure. Agriculture remains your
“Achilles heel”.
We, the global peasant movement, do not want to negotiate with the WTO.
We want the Agreement on Agriculture repealed and we want the WTO to
give us a breath : we want the WTO out of agriculture.
The demise of the WTO is inevitable. Your organization has not only
demonstrated its futility, but more importantly, its detrimental impact.
Faced with the immense challenges facing humanity – world hunger, the
climate crisis, wars, inflation, social inequalities, the collapse of
biodiversity, pandemics, etc. – the responses you propose are making the
crises worse.
More and more states are realising that no solution will be found with
the institutions that have been the Trojan horses of Western
neo-liberalism, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, for it is these
institutions that have led to the current disaster. However, these
states have not yet found the means to set up alternative institutions
to meet their needs. “The old world is dying, the new world is slow to
We fully understand the need for states not to be excluded from the
possibility of participating in international trade. The situation of
states that are subject to unilateral unjust sanctions excluding them
from international trade shows the importance of a fair framework for
agricultural trade in particular. La Via Campesina does not defend
autarky, but food sovereignty.
Thus, we call on states not to waste time in sterile negotiations at the
WTO around a hypothetical “reform” that has never led to anything for
more than 20 years. *We invite states, and in particular the countries
of the Global South, to sit around the table to negotiate a new
framework for fair and inclusive international trade based on food
sovereignty. *These negotiations could take place in any space that
respects genuine multilateralism where all states are truly equal and
where the voice of civil society organisations and in particular
small-scale food producers will be heard and taken into account, for
example at the FAO or UNCTAD.
We, La Via Campesina, commit ourselves to work for this new
international framework, just as we did for the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Rural Workers (UNDROP).
We place ourselves under the good auspices of our brother, friend and
comrade Lee Kyung Hae to carry out this necessary task.
*Globalize the Struggle, Globalize Hope !
Faced with Global Crises, We Build Food Sovereignty, to Ensure a Future
for Humanity !*
*La Via Campesina
29 May 2023*
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Colombia: La Via Campesina’s International Solidarity Mission
expresses hope, praises the political will to achieve peace.
11 May 2023 Colombia Peace Process
*Bogota, 11 May 2023* : An international delegation of La Via Campesina
(LVC), the international peasant movement accompanying the
implementation process of the Peace Agreement in Colombia expresses its
satisfaction and hope, and praises the political will of the current
Colombian government to implement the agreement.
Following a visit to the */Sumapaz Campesino Reserve Zone /*(ZRC), the
visiting delegates held a public forum and also met with Colombian
government officials and other members of civil society to take stock of
the implementation of the peace agreement. Although many of the accord’s
commitments have yet to be fulfilled, La Via Campesina’s solidarity
mission welcomed the Colombian government’s commitment to recognize
peasants as political subjects and to harmonize policies derived from
the peace accord with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP).
The movement also*issued a public statement on May 9
recognizing the importance of agrarian justice measures to ensure the
transition and expressing our full support for the creation of an
Agrarian Court in Colombia.
Nury Martinez, ICC LVC, FENSUAGRO, Colombia, who hosted the visiting
delegation, stated,
“Colombia is a diverse country. It needs a development plan that
recognizes this diversity. The congressional labor reforms are a step in
the right direction. The pension system for rural workers proposed in
one of these reforms is something we welcome and value. The recognition
of peasants as subjects with political rights, their protection as a
constitutional right and the harmonization of all institutions and
agencies at the regional level are central to this peace process. The
Executive Orders should also be modified to prevent companies from
taking advantage of legal loopholes to take more land from the people”.
Federico Pacheco, ICC, LVC and SOC SAT Spain, reiterated LVC’s
commitment to the process noting that: “Agrarian reform is central to
the struggles of La Via Campesina. As LVC, we are very optimistic about
the new government’s commitment to implement the peace agreement,
including comprehensive agrarian reform.”
Zainal Arifin Fuad, ICC LVC, Serikat Petani Indonesia, drew parallels
with land reform plans in his country. “In Indonesia, SPI is also
fighting for agrarian reform, through the creation of agricultural
villages and food sovereignty zones, to offer an alternative to
neoliberalism and achieve food sovereignty. We are working closely with
the Indonesian government to implement this reform and also to harmonize
the laws with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. It is good
to see that the Colombian government is also taking these steps, and
they are going in the right direction.”
La Via Campesina’s delegation reaffirms its commitment to the
implementation of the Agreement and the construction of Peace in
Colombia, and will continue to develop its work as an international
accompaniment in order to contribute to the development of Agrarian
Reform in Colombia.
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La Via Campesina Denounces Israeli Aggression in Gaza and Stands in
Solidarity with Palestine
14 May 2023 International Solidarity
*Solidarity statement*
The cessation of Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip is an immediate
necessity. Israel’s actions against the vulnerable Palestinian
population should not go unaddressed. It is incumbent upon the global
community to enforce restraining measures and hold Israel accountable
for its transgressions against humanity. A multitude of farmers
currently face Israeli bombardment, with many lives tragically lost. An
extensive swath of agricultural lands and water resources are being
decimated, a strategy seemingly designed to induce starvation among the
Palestinians in Gaza.
*14/05/2023* | Bagnolet, France
In the early hours of Tuesday, May 9, 2023, Israeli forces launched a
severe assault on three residential complexes in the Gaza Strip. A
squadron of 40 warplanes was deployed in this assault on the densely
populated residences. The immediate consequence was the tragic loss of
13 Palestinian lives and numerous injuries, including 7 children and 3
women. With the initiation of this military operation in Gaza, the death
toll has exceeded 30, with 24 women and children among the casualties,
and many more left in shock and distress.
The assault was initiated while the residents were sleeping, and no
significant events preceded this devastating act. Entire families were
obliterated in their sleep, a distressing act that underscores the
severity of the atrocity committed against civilians. Israel justifies
the assault by identifying the target as three activists involved with
Islamic Jihad, disregarding the fact that these activists were residing
with their families in residential buildings. This act is yet another in
a series of transgressions committed by the Israeli forces against the
Palestinian people, who have been engaged in a struggle for their
liberty for the past 75 years.
This ongoing aggression, now in its fourth day, has also targeted
farming communities and agricultural lands in the border areas and has
persistently barred fishermen from venturing into the sea. From the
onset of the assault, the Israeli forces have continuously bombarded
thousands of acres of agricultural land, preventing farmers from
accessing their fields. This has inflicted significant losses on the
farming community, resulting in a critical shortage of food,
particularly vegetables, on which the entire Gaza Strip is dependent.
For the past four days, Israeli forces have relentlessly bombed
residential areas throughout the Gaza Strip, showing an alarming
disregard for the civilian population, primarily composed of women and
children. The Gaza Strip has been under a severe blockade for over 16
years, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians due to a
shortage of essential medicines and medical care.
We, at La Via Campesina, vehemently condemn these brutal acts and we
urge the free people of the world to actively support the Palestinian
people’s struggle for liberation in all possible ways. It is the duty of
the international community to eliminate double standards in dealing
with this occupation.
*We demand the end of the occupation and freedom for the resilient
Palestinian people.*
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La Via Campesina Warns of Democratic Frailty in Ecuador
20 May 2023 Food Sovereignty
International Solidarity
Peasants' Rights
*/Communiqué from La Vía Campesina denounces the dissolution of
democratic institutions in Ecuador, coupled with a recent decree on
terrorism and the military supporting the President./*
(Bagnolet, May 20, 2023) The peasant, indigenous, landless, women and
workers’ organizations that are part of the international movement La
Via Campesina around the world warn with great concern about the current
context in Ecuador, marked by a serious political crisis, accompanied by
a deep economic and social crisis, with high levels of violence by
criminal groups, the State and the sectors of power that continue
looting the people.
On Wednesday, May 17, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso signed
executive decree
741, which establishes the dissolution of the National Assembly. This in
the midst of the political trial opened against him for accusations of
embezzlement. The decree also calls for early general elections within
90 days.
As La Via Campesina we are concerned about the fact that this mechanism
known as “mutual death,” although included in the Constitution since
2008, received full support of the Armed Forces and the Police before
there had been any official pronouncement from the Constitutional Court.
On the other hand, we raise the alarm about a serious threat to
democracy, because although the mechanism of “mutual death” is a
constitutional tool, its implementation in a scenario of anti-democracy
can be dangerous.
As peasant organizations we demand that for as long as this process
lasts, president Lasso refrains from deepening Neoliberalism,
extractivism, the privatization of basic services, the handover of
natural goods — oil, mining, the radio-electrical spectrum — to
transnational corporations. We need decrees that address the urgent
demands of working-class urban and rural sectors instead of catering to
corporate groups. We strongly reject every type of consession and
privatization of public assets.
As a movement present worldwide, we call on our member organizations,
allies and multilateral institutions to remain alert to the events in
Ecuador. We must ensure transparent elections, stand in defense of
democracy in the country and the continent, denounce the imperialist and
interventionist practices of the US and demand all proceedings are
executing according to the law.
We call to:
* Respond immediately to the serious social crisis that Ecuador is
also facing, with high rates of hunger and malnutrition in children,
poverty, migrations, unemployment of almost half of the population,
lack of investment in health and education and an out of control
level of violence and insecurity due to criminal gangs.
* Pay special attention to the peasant sector, those who feed the
country, the montubio people, Afro-descendants and indigenous
people, as well as the artisanal fisher-folk who are indebted to the
banks, slaves in their territories, who also suffer assault,
kidnapping, extortion and assassinations, coupled with the complete
disregard of the State. All the while, the corporate, agribusiness
and banking sector, aligned with the Lasso administration and other
political sectors, enjoy shamefully high profit rates as the main
benefitiaries of the corruption that plagues Ecuador.
* Respect the political rights of the progressive members of the
National Assembly, acknowledge the militant and political trajectory
of comrade José Agualsaca and offer him our support, as historic
leader of the FEI (Ecuadorian Federation of Indians, member
organization of CLOC – La Via Campesina), and current assembly
member who already several months ago had offered his seat in
defense of the governance of the country.
* Endorse the democratic processes of indigenous, student and workers’
organizations, respecting the freedom of assembly and association to
launch local assemblies, in the understanding that democracy is at
its core the people, organized and fighting for their rights.
* Ensure a transparent electoral process that does not censor the
participation and candidacies of any sector; demand that the
National Electoral Council restructure the Provincial Electoral
Boards for a more democratic conformation and that intermediate,
provincial and national computing centers are audited.
* Coordinate a progressive and popular process of unity, engaging all
the sectors of the left, parties, organizations and movements in
Ecuador for the elections called for August 2023; a process able to
address the most affected sectors of society as indicated in the
2008 Constitution and its humanistic and anti-capitalist spirit; a
Constitution that also acknowledges the peasantry as a subject of
rights, a priority in public policy, and Food Sovereignty as a
strategic objective of the State for a true revolution in rural areas.
*We call to join the national collective work to rebuild a
multicultural, fair and sovereign Ecuador!*
*Photographs National Strike Ecuador, June 2022. Edu León.*
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Commemoration in Mons
From Mons to the World: La Via Campesina Celebrates 30 Years of
globalizing peasant struggle and solidarity
*PRESS RELEASE* *14/05/2023* | Bagnolet, France
On May 15, La Via Campesina will celebrate its 30th anniversary of the
formal founding of global peasant movement. This celebration is a
reflection of three decades of commitment to the realization of social
justice, human dignity and food sovereignty through peasant agroecology,
popular feminism and peasant rights.
The history of La Via Campesina has an important stage in Mons, Belgium,
in May 1993, when different peasant and land workers’ organizations from
various continents met to concretize the strategies planned a year
earlier in Managua, Nicaragua, and coordinate common actions at the
international level. Thirty organizations established the movement we
now recognize today, and since then its principles and convictions have
been solidly grounded. The movement has grown to include 182 member
organizations and over 200 million rural workers, and is now the world’s
largest social movement with the slogan “globalize the struggle,
globalize hope.”
Over the years, La Via Campesina has played a pivotal role in supporting
peasant emancipatory struggles at all levels and in recognizing their
rights in the UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other people
working in rural areas. Today, La Via Campesina brings a voice of hope
to all societies in times of multidimensional crises. As we celebrate
the 30th anniversary of the founding of the movement, we are excited to
share that this November we are also organizing our eighth international
conference in Colombia. This event will be a moment to continue building
our proposals based on respect for the living, grassroots organization,
diversity and solidarity, which are serving to build fair and equitable
food systems, and from there, fair and equitable societies.
30 years of sharing struggles to sow hope
To celebrate 30 years of globalizing struggles, La Via Campesina, in
collaboration with the European Coordination Via Campesina and LVC’s
Belgian member organizations: Boerenforum, FUGEA, MAP, is organizing a
commemorative event on May 15, that will be divided into three sections.
The first part will feature people who were present and involved in the
founding, the second part will include former La Via Campesina general
coordinators, and the third part will have current ICC representatives
of La Via Campesina to look at the context of the movement today.
The entire event program will be a enriching experience in itself,
including a live music show, group readings of historical documents,
audiovisual presentations, and a peasant-style meal accompanied by music
and dance.
La Via Campesina invites everyone to join the commemorative event on May
15 through their social networks to continue sharing struggles and
sowing hope.
“Globalize the struggle, globalize hope”.
For more information, please contact us at press(a)viacampesina.org
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17 April: Faced with global crises, we build food sovereignty to
ensure a future for humanity!
17 April 2023 Food Sovereignty
*Press Release | Bagnolet 17/04/23*
Today, April 17th, 2023, as we remember the “Eldorado dos Carajás
Massacre” that took place 27 years ago in Brazil, and our many struggles
in other places, we, La Via Campesina, raise our fists high in hope,
knowing that food sovereignty, peasant agroecology, comprehensive
popular agrarian reforms, popular peasant feminism and the
implementation of United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Peasants
and other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) will ensure a future
for humanity and the planet.
Solidarity urgently needed!
Global protests are increasing due to the climate and environmental
crisis, food crisis, and conflicts caused by shifting geopolitical
contours. Social unrest has been observed in over 60 countries due to
economic inequalities deepened by the COVID-19 pandemic. These crises
expose the flaws in the dominant capitalist model, as capitalist
interests destroy territories and threaten every life system worldwide.
Governments have responded to protests with repression and persecution,
including killings and assassinations, to intimidate and subdue
movements. Social movements in various countries in Brazil, Palestine,
Paraguay, Colombia, Mali, Ecuador, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands,
United Kingdom, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, South Korea, Kenya,
Canada, Haiti, Guatemala and Peru, among others, have alerted the world
about the violations of workers’ and peasants’ rights, where civil
unrest is high due to the high cost of living, and government policies
that are further increasing social and economic inequalities.
Most governments are failing to keep up with the demand for better
public services, leaving many citizens living precariously. For
instance, in Europe, which until recently enjoyed much stability after
the Second World War driven by unprecedented growth in production and
the distribution of some of the wealth to the majority of the
population, some countries face social instability as social
achievements regress. In this new context of crisis, most governments
prioritize the enrichment of the richest and the accumulation of
capital, placing the burden of restrictions on the majority of the
population. Governments are choosing capitalism at all costs, even
breaking away from the framework of liberal democracy and the rule of
law that has prevailed until now, with the so-called ‘defense of Western
values’ being shattered.
La Via Campesina (LVC) stands in and is also committed to building
solidarity with those who are being victimized by the criminalization of
social protest on all continents. It is time to build a more fraternal
world based on solidarity among peoples. We call for an immediate and
unconditional end to the persecution of peasant movements and their leaders.
Grabbing and commodification of commons for profits continues unabated
The industrial food system continues to make super profits while
trampling upon the lives and livelihoods of farming families and rural
people, whose lands, water and territories are being grabbed for export
land uses amid a worsening global food and economic crises. Water
grabbing is on the rise to make money for a few and to grow export crops
as the climate crisis worsens – climate change related droughts are now
extensive and frequent.
We emphasize the need to inform, educate, organize, and articulate to
build a social force that can *stop the tendency to convert the climate
crisis into business opportunities*. LVC denounces the government’s
indifference to the warming of the planet and the debate over
speculative financial business, the new green and blue economy, and the
privatisation of the commons, calling for political changes to cool it.
LVC calls for redoubling of efforts to defend the commons and stop their
commodification and demand the fair sharing of rights to use the commons.
Migrant crisis: result of an inhumane system of exploitation and
The crises has forced, mostly rural populations from the South, to
migrate mostly to the Northern countries in search of better
livelihoods. Instead of better lives, most migrants have been subjected
to inhumane system of exploitation and repression. Thus struggles of
migrant farm labor are also a fundamental part of the April 17 Day of
Peasant Struggle.
Over a billion people work in agriculture fields, most of whom are
peasants displaced from their lands due to neoliberal policies that
favor agribusiness capital. Landless women make up almost 50% of this
population. The loss of peasant lands in rural areas continues, leading
to an increase in migrant workers seeking employment in agriculture in
northern countries to support their impoverished families. These workers
face unsustainable working conditions and receive the lowest wages in
the labor sector. From Brazil to the US and Europe, migrant farm-workers
are demanding their rights and standing against the exploitation of
agribusiness capital.
The full recognition of full rights for migrant and refugee peoples
constantly criminalised and murdered at the borders of our nations is
also part of our struggle towards the full achievement of food
sovereignty. We call on societies, social movements, and all people of
good will, both North and South, to join our Global Pact of Solidarity
in defense of the lives and human rights of all migrants and refugees
Our solutions to the crises
Peasant organizations have a critical role to play in ensuring the
future of humanity and the planet by resisting the
hydro-agro-extractivism of transnational mega-corporations, which
threaten the lands of peasants, indigenous peoples, and other rural
inhabitants. This struggle for justice and dignity is significant as we
celebrate the Day of Peasant Struggle on April 17. On this day, La Via
Campesina reaffirms the central elements for a political project to
ensure a future for humanity. These elements include food sovereignty,
agrarian reform, peasant agroecology, demand for a UN Special Procedure
on the UNDROP, and peasant and popular feminism:
* *Food sovereignty offers an alternative to the current crises of
hunger*, climate, and ecology by transforming the industrial model
and creating local food systems that link rural and urban areas. It
prohibits speculation in food futures contracts and addresses two
significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions: long-distance
transportation of food and industrialized agriculture. Principles of
Food Sovereignty can provide us the framework for a new global trade
framework that can end the dominance of the World Trade Organization
(WTO), which currently is attempting to legitimise its work through
creation of a space for civil society in its structure and Free
Trade Agreements (FTAs).
* *Agrarian reform is necessary* to ensure fair sharing of rights to
use commons and democratize ownership of territories, which is
currently being concentrated by elites.
* *Peasant agroecology is a means of resistance to an economic system
that prioritizes profit over life* and is responsible for
deforestation, water contamination, and acidification of oceans. It
offers an essential alternative to industrial food production and
transforms the way we produce and consume food.
* *Demand for a UN Special Procedure on the UNDROP *will allow for
effective implementation at the international level.
* *Peasant and popular feminism cultivates defense of relationships
based on respect and care* for others and rejects modes of
relationship based on violence, domination, and control of others.
Towards the Eighth International Conference (#8ConfLVC)
In November this year, La Via Campesina will convene its 8th
International Conference in Nicaragua. And as we gather our proposals
towards this important event, our rallying call to unite and build a new
society is well expressed in the 8th Conference slogan: “Faced with the
Global Crises, we build Food Sovereignty to ensure a Future for
Humanity!” We will exchange and build a collective vision for the future
based on these existing alternatives that are being practiced in our
Globalise the struggle! Globalise hope!
For more information write to *press(a)viacampesina.org*
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*Website:* www.viacampesina.org
*TV:* www.tv.viacampesina.org
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In 2008, numerous experts -- from peasants to policy makers - warned of
a "perfect storm" of crises in the industrial food system. Our movements
had already been raising the alarm about growing corporate control,
financialization of food, resource grabbing, economic injustice, and
destruction of the territories of small-scale food producers by large
scale commodity agriculture, deeply dependant on fossil fuels and other
mined inputs. Fifteen years later we see that crises are a recurrent
phenomenon in the capitalist food system. Intensifying environmental
impacts, resource wars and conflicts, rising debt, structural injustices
and inequalities are compounding the effects on our peoples.
Food sovereignty remains our answer to the food crisis. Now more than
ever our communities and countries need to focus on agroecological food
production. As this edition shows, we have a multitude of praxis and
political proposals for solutions, but we need to build our power to
fight the extractive and profit driven corporations from overtaking our
food system. The food crisis is one aspect of deeper drivers that are
causing overlapping crises of ecological destruction, the re-enforced
rise of patriarchy, and increasing criminalisation of rights defenders s
in collusion with capital, who are pervading every aspect of our lives
from food to social engagements and our interactions with nature.
Many movements have made common cause to challenge the drivers of these
multiple, interconnected crises, including demands for climate justice,
an end to fossil fuels with responsibility lying first within the
historically polluting developed nations and then with elite consumers
everywhere, cancellations of illegitimate debt, and rescinding unjust
trade investment and tax regimes. Feminist movements are showing us the
path towards economies of life and care, intersectional justice and
building political power. Anti-racist, decolonial, peace and all
anti-oppression movements are showing us new imaginaries of community,
reminding us of our ancient practices of togetherness as peasants,
women, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, fishers and workers, and the
urgency of solidarity with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Knowing that we must build and strengthen our movements from the ground
up, and find cohesion across all regions and peoples facing injustice,
we are convening the Nyéléni process 2021 - 2025 to provide spaces for
coming together. We invite all movements to join us.
Food Sovereignty now!
_AFSA, Focus on the Global South and FoEI_
Click here to download the English edition (pdf) [1]