Here's to an unwavering and radically transformative 2024! *|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|*
*8th International Conference | Edition #1*
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*This is the first in a series of special issues we will be bringing you with updates from the recently concluded 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina in Bogota, Colombia.* This issue highlights the declarations from the organic spaces of the global peasant movement issued during our conference, outlining the future direction of our common struggles.
May the approaching year find us united, collectively forging a joyful rebellion and prosperous resistance. With the hope that each joint effort translates into significant progress toward our shared goals, we will persist in our struggle alongside Peasant Agroecology, Peasant and Popular Feminism, and Peasant Rights. Strengthening food sovereignty, we will continue contributing to cooling the planet to ensure a future where dignity and peace with social justice are not mere aspirations but lived realities.
*Here's to an unwavering and radically transformative 2024!*
*Bogotá Declaration | La Via Campesina | #8ConfLVC* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More than 400 delegates of La Via Campesina, representing 185 organizations and movements in 83 countries, together with allies, are gathered in Bogotá, Colombia to celebrate our 8th International Conference from the 1st to the 8th of December of 2023.
We, the peasants, rural workers, landless, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, artisanal fisherfolk, forest dwellers, rural women, youth and diversities and other peoples who work in the countryside around the world and united within La Via Campesina, declare that/*“Faced with global crises, we build food sovereignty to ensure a future for humanity!”*/ towards a just and decent food system for all, recognizing peoples’ needs, respecting nature, putting people before profit and resisting corporate capture.. *READ MORE*
*Youth Articulation's Declaration | La Via Campesina * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We commit to construct a future grounded in food sovereignty and agroecology as a sustainable agrifood system, social movement, a popular knowledge and a way of life. We acknowledge our role and responsibility to preserve ancestral wisdom and movement knowledge passed down by our elders. We reaffirm our commitment to work shoulder to shoulder with the generations that came before us. Their struggles and effort laid the foundation to ensure intergenerational continuity of our movement. *READ MORE*
*Declaration of the Women's Articulation | La Via Campesina * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The women’s assemblies of La Vía Campesina are not only a means of training and exchange but also of building an agenda, legitimizing our actions, and validating the fundamental role we have in the construction of Food Sovereignty, of our movement and societies of peace with social justice. Guaranteeing peasant rights means guaranteeing the rights of rural women!
The struggle and organization in these 30 years of La Via Campesina as a political and pedagogical tool have also taught us that we cannot build the present without knowing the past. Because of that, we recognize all the seeds that rebellious women left us, invisible but organized, for justice and dignity. We welcome the fire lit in us by the women who preceded us, our ancestors and sisters who opened the path of struggle for us. *READ MORE*
*1st International Meeting of Diversities and Supporters* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sowing the seed of revolutionary love and confronting everyday hatred is a permanent task. Agroecology is diversity and as such we are part of the principles we defend. We must strengthen the grassroots work; adding colors to the political formation, and to the autonomous values to popular organization — against patriarchal violence. We must advance the actions of the collective in the fight for the affirmation of human rights, of our existence, of our survival, not only as individuals but as a collective, and of the existence of our families, our communities and colleagues who are in the same condition of not having access to land and other natural goods, work, housing or adequate food. Diversity is at the heart of Food Sovereignty, in all territories! With Diversities there is revolution! *READ MORE*
In the next edition of this bulletin, we will bring you notes, videos, photos and podcasts that capture the diversity of voices from the 8th International Conference. *Stay tuned and subscribe today if you haven't already!*
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