Join the movement for Peasants' Rights!
Peasants, fishers, pastoralists and other people working in rural areas produce most of the healthy and diverse food that we eat every day. In Europe and all around the world, they play a leading role in ensuring the food sovereignty of our communities and the resilience of our food system in the face of climate change. However, small farms are rapidly disappearing and peasant agriculture is under threat due to the expansion of industrial agriculture, land grabbing, and the dismantling of public support.
Peasants and other rural working people face systematic discrimination, with rural women particularly affected. They need your support to continue creating agroecological, resilient alternatives to industrial agriculture and develop healthy and sustainable local food systems for the future of our planet.
Join the movement for Peasants' Rights and ask the EU and its Member States to actively participate in good faith in the elaboration of a "UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas". Demand from your Ministry of Foreign Affairs to recognize Peasants' Rights, including their rights to land, seeds, biodiversity, decent income and livelihood and the means of production.
Demand the right of peoples to food sovereignty now by SIGNING THIS PETITION [1]!
The process towards the "UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas" aims to create an international human rights instrument to improve the promotion and protection of their rights and draw attention to the threats and discrimination suffered by peasants and people involved in small-scale food production across the world.
The current draft Declaration is the result of the work undertaken by La Via Campesina (LVC) over more than 15 years, supported by FIAN International and CETIM (Europe Third World Centre), with the support of other social movements. This process has a unique strategy, namely to have the Declaration recognised by the UN and the international human rights governance system through the voices, concerns, and issues raised by grassroots peasant movements.
With the next session of the intergovernmental working group, scheduled for May 2017 at the UN Human Rights Council, we need to put pressure on our governments and strengthen our position.
Links: ------ [1]