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The Palestinian people have been subjected to a genocidal war in Gaza and a campaign of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank by the Israeli military. Israeli warplanes have been bombing homes, hospitals, mosques, and churches, resulting in more than ten thousands killed and tens of thousands of wounded and missing. More than 60% of homes in the Gaza Strip have been completely or partially destroyed. Tragically, up to 69% of the victims are children and women. The Israeli occupation is wielding starvation as a weapon against civilians to force them to leave Gaza and migrate to Egypt. This brutal tactic has already displaced more than 1.5 million Palestinians from the north to the south of the Gaza Strip.
In response, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) [3] is spearheading an international campaign to provide aid to Gaza and the West Bank targeting thousands of affected Palestinian families by providing food, water, and life essentials to bolster their resilience against the crimes of the Israeli occupation and thwart the plans for their forced displacement.
At this stage, because of the blockade, we rely on procuring food from the limited local supplies in Gaza. Your donation can be the difference between life and death for a Palestinian family facing starvation.
Raise your voice against this terrible injustice and illegal occupation! -------------------------
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