*Webinar > Live from Haiti: No more foreign interventions!* *With: Peasant organizations, members of La Via Campesina in Haiti*
Peasant organization representatives and anti-colonial activists worldwide will bring us up to speed on Haiti’s recent developments, as the nation grapples with a multifaceted crisis. Our discussion will delve into the geopolitical implications of potential foreign intervention, examining the significant roles of countries like Kenya, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. We’ll scrutinize colonialist interests and the rising violence amid the Haitian government’s inaction in response to growing insecurity in Port-au-Prince and other gang-affected areas.
Moreover, we’ll spotlight internal resistance efforts by Haitian organizations and the global peasant movement. Hosting organizations advocating solidarity with Haiti, we’ll stress the importance of respecting a Haitian-led solution for the country.
*WHEN? *Saturday, March 16, at 9 am (Haiti), 10 am (Brazil), 2 pm (CET), 4 pm (Kenya), 8 pm (Indonesia), 10 pm (Korea) *WHERE?* Via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89378217137 *REGISTRATION* (on the form): https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/B6gqYwQK
*#StopNeocolonialism* *#HaitianSolutionForHaiti* *Globalize the struggle, globalize hope!*
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