Edition: September - October 2024
La Via Campesina's 'PEASANT STRUGGLES' brings to you a monthly synthesis of articles and videos from our website and multimedia library. Read, share and help us globalize the struggle!
#25Nov24 - Call to Action: Peasant women united for justice and Food Sovereignty! Stop violence, hunger, and wars! -------------------------
Throughout November, we invite you to self-organize and share your local actions with us. We also invite you to form alliances with our national and regional organizations and to amplify their struggles. We will achieve this by building unity in action! We must peasantize feminisms, and join forces in the fight for food sovereignty!
COP 16 - UN Convention on Biological Diversity: La Via Campesina's Position Paper calls for inclusion of Peasant, Indigenous Peoples, and traditional cosmovisions in political decisions ------------------------- In the context of the climate crisis, it is important to recognize the fundamental role of peasants, Indigenous Peoples, traditional, and ancestral communities in the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of the commons. We have always maintained a critical stance towards the lack of social and climate justice, advocating for the need for integral and popular agrarian reform, as well as the inclusion of peasant, Indigenous Peoples, and traditional cosmovisions in political decisions.
Call to Action for the 3rd Nyéléni Global Forum 2025: Systemic transformation is NOW or NEVER! ------------------------- Inspired by Nyéléni, a peasant woman who fought for the rights of peasants--particularly women peasants--in Mali centuries ago, and by the two previous Nyéléni forums named after her and that successfully brought together thousands of grassroots organizations and allies across all the world, we are enthusiastically reaffirming our call for joining the process towards the "3rd Nyéléni Global Forum 2025."
Global Family Farming Forum: LVC Declares, "No More Policies That Harm Family Farming! We Need a New International Trade Framework!" [6] -------------------------
Delegates from La Vía Campesina participated in the Global Family Farming Forum (GFFF), which took place in Rome from October 14 to 18, on "Halfway through the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028). As La Vía Campesina, we have five proposals for following up on the Decade over the next five years.
LVC brings UNDROP as a tool to implement the UNDFF to address the concerns on the main pillars of the global food system [7] ------------------------- UNDROP broadly seeks to address the many agrarian conflicts which affect peasants and indigenous people who in such cases face repression, criminalization and eviction. LVC brings UNDROP as a tool to implement the UNDFF in which the international peasant movement seeks to address the concerns on the main pillars of the Global Food System.
Nothing multilateral about it! Campaign groups slam the last-minute postponement of Binding Treaty negotiations [8] -------------------------
On September 20th, in a surprise move, the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN in Geneva announced that the tenth round of negotiations of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with respect to Human Rights (OEIGWG) will be postponed to December 2024.
Global movements demand accountability for Israel's weaponisation of food [9] ------------------------- Representatives from hundreds of civil society and Indigenous Peoples organisations worldwide denounced the inaction and complicity of governments in fueling the genocide and campaign of mass starvation that the State of Israel is currently imposing on the Palestinian people in Gaza. They are also condemning the illegal assaults on food sovereignty and the right to food of people across Palestine and in Lebanon.
#AlertCOP16 [13] | A path of CLIMATE JUSTICE AND REPARATION is urgent, the Convention on Biological Diversity must be adapted to the environmental needs of humanity and life in its fullness. We, the peasants of the world, bet on an agroecological transition as an answer to these crises.
You are an important part of the autonomy of our movement -------------------------
As a supporter who has contributed financial resources to La Via Campesina, and as an activist who joins us on the streets and in the fields, your support is always welcome and put to good use.
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