Power and impunity of transnational corporations stifles people's voices
Published on Friday, 10 July 2015 13:57
_The power and impunity of the transnationals are stifling the voices of
the world's peoples_
(Harare, 9th of July 2015) La Via Campesina strongly decries the fact
that _international policies and legislative processes_ which supposedly
are decided upon democratically and by the citizens are increasingly
_dominated by the interests of large multinational corporations_,with
the connivance of the governing classes [2][1]. Furthermore, while
existing structures allow the crimes committed by these same
transnationals to go unpunished, there is a growing incidence of
criminalisation of those who are struggling in defence of human rights.
At the international, regional, national, and local levels, it is more
and more apparent that_legislative frameworks are being designed,
interpreted, and implemented so as to respond to the interests of large
transnational companies _- to the detriment of the common good and
despite the resistance of social movements and organisations that are
seeking different paths. This situation is compounded by a lack of
transparency towards civil society.
For example, _the international trade agreements_, of which the TTIP,
the TPP, the CETA, the EPAs and the TISA are some current examples -
with their investment protection clauses, the deregulation of trade and
production, and the jettisoning of social, health, and safety standards
- respond to the requests of the transnational companies rather than to
the interests of the world's peoples.
_A permanent confusion is created in the roles_ of the entities
representing civil society and the public interest and the entities that
are defending private interests. The multinationals are treated as
though they were social actors, when in reality they do not represent
anyone other than the shareholders for whom they seek to gain profits.
Consequently there is a considerable reduction in the public space.
In addition, new mixed entities are created and accorded active support:
the round tables or platforms that are composed of multiple actors such
as governmental institutions, research bodies, donors, NGOs, and civil
society organisations. These new spaces provide no guarantees, and even
less support, for the autonomy of social movements; positions
necessarily become diluted and what is really happening in the field is
hidden. We can cite the example of the ILC (International Land
Coalition), an organisation that has received an increase in funding in
recent years and which, in an opportunistic manner, presents itself
alternatively as a research body, a donor, or a representative of civil
society. In fact, it calls for mitigating the negative effects of
landgrabbing, rather than insisting that landgrabbing be stopped.
As a social movement of peasants and farmers, farmworkers, landless
people, and indigenous peoples, we are confronting _a short-sighted and
ultra-capitalist vision of the world based on the paradigms of growth at
any cost_, the capacity of the market to control and resolve everything,
and the imposition of a Western development model. This model includes
the privatisation and commodification of common goods and of fundamental
rights such as the rights to water and food. It includes the denigration
of social movements and the cult of business as the only "useful" social
actor. The _quest for private profit_ is the dominating factor in
decision making and in its vision of the world. A patriarchal,
capitalist, individualistic and Western vision of well-being is being
actively promoted, bringing in its train uniformity in a global market.
In this way, the responsibility and the role of States are reduced and
seen as obsolete. There is a corresponding reduction in the capacity for
action and influence of grassroots actors.
_New markets_ are being established, supposedly in order to resolve the
problems that the market itself has created. A simple example of this
are the (REDD) carbon emissions markets, which, rather than reducing
carbon emissions, have led to speculation, the forced displacement of
communities, and more pollution. Techno-fixes such as GMOs and
fertilisers are being actively promoted, and there is a lack of analysis
of the powers and interests at play as well as a lack of a long-term
vision. Markets for social problems are created, for instance the social
register markets involving people who have been negatively affected by
dams. These show how even social problems end up by becoming markets. We
must also mention the public-private partnerships (PPPs) in which
companies replace states through obscure arrangements that only benefit
those same companies. By means of orchestrated land and seed laws, the
common goods managed by the communities, land, water, seeds, and our
territories, are turned into commodities under the dictate of land
titling programmes and patents on life. Thus people are dispossessed of
the very rights that guarantee the future of the planet and of humanity.
Initiatives claiming to contribute to "the fight against hunger in the
world", such as the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (Nasan)
which is supported by the G8, and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in
Africa (AGRA), are taking place with the complicity of Western states
and through pressure on many countries. These initiatives are integrated
in an insidious manner into national and subregional agricultural
development programmes, in order to impose a Western model of
agriculture and the introduction of GMOs and products that are
prohibited in the countries concerned - and to monopolise their natural
resources such as land and water.
Due to pressure to maintain the status quo or to a fear of restricting
the profits of the few, there is a _continuous lack of structural and
sustainable solutions._
We are seeing an_ increase in the criminalisation_ of trade unionists,
environmentalists, and peasant farmers who are struggling for their
human rights or for the rights of Nature. In Honduras alone, hundreds of
women and men peasants have been put on trial for defending their
rights. In recent years, there has been a marked upsurge in incidents of
violence against environmentalists [3][2].
_We note the importance of opening up the international policy spaces
_to grassroots organisations, and of developing mechanisms, to be led by
these same social movements, for consultation, the provision of
transparency, and the dissemination of information. At this point, let
us mention the positive example of the Declaration of the Rights of
Peasants and people working in rural areas that is being drawn up by the
United Nations Human Rights Council [4][3].
We need new transparent,_ participatory, processes of democratisation_
that are open and clear to all, and that, instead of oppression, allow
the expression of the sovereignty of the peoples in the world of today.
We need _legally binding national, regional and international mechanisms
to put an end to the crimes against humanity perpetrated by
transnational companies._ In this sense, we welcome the initiative in
the United Nations Human Rights Council, which aims to adopt a binding
Treaty, and we support the Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power [5][4].
We recognise that the role of States is to represent the interests of
their peoples. Therefore, the State has an obligation to oppose any
policy or international treaty that diminishes human rights and
undermines its own sovereignty. The sovereignty and responsibility of
States need to be strengthened and not undermined at the international
_We in La Via Campesina have chosen food sovereignty as a utopia in
rebellion against this exploitative system. Day by day, we are building
our alternatives in solidarity and from the grassroots._
Marina Dos Santos (PT, ES): +55 21 981850558
Unai Aranguren (ES, PT, EN):+34 636 369361
Ndiakhate Fall (FR): +221 77 5508907
[6][1] https://www.tni.org/en/briefing/state-power-2014#infographics
[10][3] http://defendingpeasantrights.org/ [11]
[12][4] http://www.stopcorporateimpunity.org [13]/
[7] https://www.tni.org/en/briefing/state-power-2014#infographics
[11] http://defendingpeasantrights.org/
[13] http://www.stopcorporateimpunity.org
Both sides of the Pacific- Via Campesina members oppose TPP [1]
Published on Monday, 29 June 2015 16:19
_On both sides of the Pacific, peasants, family farmers, and rural
workers reject the extension of neoliberal policies_
(June 15, 2015): We, members of La Via Campesina on both sides of the
Pacific, jointly express our opposition to the TPP. This so-called
partnership is in fact an extension of the neoliberal policies that are
being promoted by transnational corporations (TNCs) with the support of
the governments at their service.
Neoliberal policies and trade agreements have already caused
catastrophic damage to peasants and family farmers and to agricultural
workers, who are more and more at the mercy of the transnational
corporations. The increasing control of global commodity markets
exercised by these corporations constitutes a threat to the livelihoods
of peasants, family farmers and rural workers, to the well-being of
indigenous communities, and to the health of consumers. Their power is
an affront to food sovereignty and social justice, and a threat to
ecological integrity. As more than twenty years of experience with
neoliberal trade agreements has shown, increases in agricultural exports
serve only to increase the profits of transnational corporations; they
do not raise the net incomes of peasants and farmers.
Furthermore, the TPP is not simply an agreement about trade. Its
provisions infringe upon the national sovereignty of the countries
concerned, subjecting their citizens to rules that are dictated by the
transnational corporations and leading to a deterioration in living
conditions for the great majority - especially for family farmers,
workers, and small business owners. By strengthening the intellectual
property rights of pharmaceutical companies, the agreement will deprive
poor people of prescription drugs. The Investor-State Dispute Settlement
(ISDS) provision enabling corporations to sue national governments for
alleged loss of profits will lead to the modification, or even the
abandonment, of health, environmental, and social programmes. The
provisions regarding competition, state-owned enterprises, and
government procurement will prevent member countries from implementing
economic policies that are suited to their particular situation.
Rising opposition on the part of the public, who are becoming more aware
of the dangerous nature of the TPP's provisions, has so far prevented
the negotiators from reaching an agreement. _Now is the time for the
negotiations to be stopped. In Japan, in Korea, in Canada, and all over
the world, what we urgently need is to bring the policies and practice
of neoliberalism to an end, and to build an alternative international
trading system that has as its foundation food sovereignty, the
protection of the environment, and the well-being of our peoples._
Globalize the Struggle--Globalize hope!
National Farmers Union (NFU), Canada
Union Paysanne Quebec, Canada
Korean Peasant League (KPL), South Korea
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN), Japan
Published on Wednesday, 17 June 2015 15:06
Human nutrition refers to the interaction between food and the human
body, and the resulting health and wellbeing of individuals. The best
source of nutrition continues to be breastfeeding and diversified rich
traditional foods developed by cultures throughout history. Nutrition is
only one of the dimensions of eating linked to human health. The best
way to guarantee adequate nutrition is through the provision of
diversified, safe, and balanced diets, based on local fresh produce
which is agroecologically produced, and prepared according to cultural
practices. _Nutrition cannot be separated from food, production models,
food systems or eating practices._ Click here to download the english
edition [3] or read it directly in the website at www.nyeleni.org [4]!
[4] http://www.nyeleni.org/
JUNE 3RD 2015 ORE 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Terra Room of Expo dei popoli. (Fabbrica del Vapore, Via Giulio
Procaccini, 4, Milano)
The international farmers movement La Via Campesina (LVC), one of the
organizers of Expo dei Popoli 2015, presents its take on Expo Milano
2015 thanks to its representatives from.
Africa, Europe and Latin America. This press conference will be an
opportunity to directly listen to the voices of farmers and local
communities about the central themes covered in
Expo Milano 2015 : feeding the planet and energy for life.
Elizabeth Mpofu, Zimbabwe, General Coordinator of La Via Campesina
Hanny Van Geel, The Netherland, Member of La Via Campesina European
Esperanza de Jesus Ruiz Vallejos, Nicaragua, Secretary General of the
farmers' organization ATC-Matagalpa
Andrea Ferrante, Italy, Member of La Via Campesina European Committee
Speakers will be availabe for interviews
Official Hashtag: #peoplesexpo #laviacampesina #ecvc #foodsovereignty
www.viacampesina.org [3]
Elisa Caricato +32 495 345980 - elisa(a)eurovia.org
Federica Toscano +39 333 7217660 - federica(a)eurovia.org
[2] http://viacampesina.org/en/images/2014%20Logo.jpg
[3] http://viacampesina.org/
Via Campesina denounces the takeover of the World Expo by corporate
interests [1]
Published on Thursday, 28 May 2015 20:08
[2](Zimbabwe, Harare,May 27th 2015) La Via Campesina (LVC), a worldwide
movement representing millions of peasants, agricultural workers,
indigenous villages and nomadic peoples, denounces the corporate
takeover of the World Expo in Milan as well as the governmental
complicity. The theme of the Expo is "Feed the planet; energy for life".
The Expo in Milan serves as a showcase for multinational businesses that
control the world market of food, genetic material of animals and plant
seeds, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. These businesses work
constantly to privatize and commercialize the public commons including
the water, land, forests, minerals and seeds. They transform food into a
commodity and reject the fact that food is a human right. Food is
treated as a commodity, produced on a large scale using a lot of
pesticides and GMOs for people of limited economic means while healthy
food is only within the financial grasp of the economic elite.
One highly visible company at the Expo is Coca-Cola. Aside from
producing products with no nutritional value whatsoever, it is among
others involved in killing Colombian trade unionists trying to protect
water resources and labor rights [3][1]. McDonald's, known not only for
their poor record on workers' rights and healthy food, also has a large
presence at this Expo [4][2]. The Milan Expo clearly serves the
interests of these companies in promoting their agro-industrial, elitist
and capitalist model.
Most of the participating governments have spent millions of Euros of
public money to build a forum to "sell" their technological products. It
is a space to promote the false solutions to hunger and climate change,
for example, the climate-smart agriculture, REDD programs pushed by the
new G8 Alliance, AGRA and others.
Another contradiction is the fact that the Expo center was built in an
area where farmland had previously existed, which is needed to assure
fresh, healthy food for the urban population. [5][3]
The theme of the Expo demonstrates a cynical lack of understanding of
the political problem that is world hunger.
The World Expo in Milan ignores the small-scale food producers who are
responsible for growing 70% of food worldwide while creating employment
without contaminating nature or exploiting their workers in the process.
La Via Campesina denounces this vision pushed by the Expo and reaffirms
that food sovereignty constitutes an alternative based on the people's
right to ensure their livelihoods all while respecting the environment
through agroecological practices that cool down the planet and provide
healthy food in locally adapted food systems. LVC proposes a solution to
the multiple crises that our societies are facing. LVC also urges a
paradigm shift so that decisions about what people produce and eat, as
well as how, where and for whom they do so are driven by the people who
grow and consume said products and not by the corporate entities who
sell them as commodities.
La Via Campesina will participate in the People's Expo in Milan to
propose real alternatives to the hopeless model suggested in the
"official" Expo.
Marina Dos Santos: +55 21981850558
Andrea Ferranti: +39 3480189221
Contact in Milan during the People's Expo (3-5 June): Tel: +32473300156
[8][2] Terranuovaedizione.it
http://www.altreconomia.it/site/fr_contenuto_detail.php?intId=4579 [10]
[2] http://viacampesina.org/en/images/2014%20Logo.jpg
[10] http://www.altreconomia.it/site/fr_contenuto_detail.php?intId=4579
La Via Campesina in Milan: joining the peasant farmer's expo [1]
Published on Friday, 22 May 2015 01:53
(Brussels, 21st of May 2015) - The international peasant's movement La
Via Campesina will take part in People's Expo in Milan, at the Fabbrica
del Vapore, from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2015. The People's Expo is
the international forum of the civil society and farmers' movements
organised to defend the principles of Food Sovereignty and Environmental
Justice, to fight against the commodification of the right to food
promoted by Expo 2015 and to state aloud, once again, that it is the
peasant agriculture that feeds the world, not the multinationals or the
La Via Campesina denounces the Milan Expo as a great "world showcase"
that deliberately chose to hide one of the largest ongoing world
conflict: hunger, land and energy grabbing at a global level.
>From the 1st of May to the 31st of October 31 2015, Milan is hosting the
Universal Exposition with the theme 'Feeding the Planet, Energy for
Life'. Expo 2015 has been described by the organizers as 'the biggest
event ever organized on Food and Nutrition [with intent to] give a
concrete answer to a vital need: being able to guarantee healthy, safe
and sufficient food for everyone, while respecting the Planet and its
equilibrium' [3][1].
However, Expo 2015 is sponsored and financed by some of the most
important multinationals of food and agriculture, such as McDonald's and
Coca Cola. According to Andrea Ferrantes of La Via Campesina Europe:
'Expo 2015 is hiding behind a green-washed façade that doesn't show us
the violent face of the corporate interests which are controlling the
whole food chain, grabbing the land , controlling seeds and patenting
life. The narrative of Expo 2015 does not speak of the stories of
farmers and peasants starving because they being expulsed from their
land, of the indigenous people expulsed from their territories, of the
fishermen and fisherwomen who are being denied access to the seas in
which they have always fished, of the nomadic pastoralists forced to
live a sedentary life or of the consumers forced to eat junk food'.
Expo Milano 2015 is not a neutral event, as some would have liked us to
believe. On the contrary, it is an event promoting the industrialisation
of agriculture and the financialisation of agricultural markets.
Agribusiness concentrates food production and distribution in the hands
of the few big companies, regardless of the producers and consumers'
Expo 2015 goes in the opposite direction from the path on which food
producers and citizens march together, claiming their right to food
sovereignty through agroecological models of production and consumption.
To propose real alternatives to the agro-industrial model supported by
Expo 2015 and to give voice to those who cannot tell their own story in
its "showcase", a delegation of Via Campesina farmers from around the
world will be present at the People's Expo in Milan, along with other
international networks and many non-profit Italian associations that
defend peoples' rights.
#peoplesexpo #laviacampesina #ecvc #foodsovereignty
PRESS CONFERENCE: "Peasants from around the world: views on Expo 2015"
2nd of June 2015 - 18h00 - La Stecca, Via Gaetano de Castillia 26, 20124
Federica: +39 333 7217660
Elisa: +32 495 34 59 80
[1] [4] Expo Milano 2015 official website:
http://www.expo2015.org/it/cos-e [5]
[2] http://viacampesina.org/en/images/banners/lvc%20ecvc.jpg
[3] file:///C:/Users/nyoni/Downloads/EN%20Media%20advisory.docx#_ftn1
[4] file:///C:/Users/nyoni/Downloads/EN%20Media%20advisory.docx#_ftnref1
[5] http://www.expo2015.org/it/cos-e