*EN Smallholders' markets*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
Bulk of the food consumed in the world is produced by smallholders and
workers, and channeled through *“territorial markets”*, which reflect the
huge diversity of contexts that characterise small-scale food production
and distribution.
Territorial markets are an important source of employment and critical in
battling hunger and poverty.
These markets increasingly face threats from corporate led
super/hyper-markets, procurement, storage, certification and food safety
Corporations use neoliberal trade and investment agreements, and
sophisticated marketing systems to control how food is produced, priced,
distributed and consumed.
*Protecting and strengthening the markets of smallholders are crucial
aspects of food sovereignty and restoring societal control over the
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=100> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter