Corporate governance of food systems*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
>From our oceans and seashores, crossing our lands and reaching deep into
the minerals of our earth, there is a dangerous threat dominating our
current political and economic relations around the world: the so-called
private corporate capture of policy-making public spaces.
For decades, civil society and social movements have been struggling to
democratically strengthen these spaces in order to achieve the so needed
peoples’ food sovereignty. *But this process is under a severe threat these
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=83> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter