*EN Migration and Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
The so-called migration crisis has taken a highly tragic turn. Many escape
due to the violence of the wars of occupation, others do so because of the
disasters of the climate crisis and many more because of the inequities of
this voracious and savage capitalism system.
For our part, the Collective on Migrations of La Vía Campesina proposes to
understand migration as an act of resistance by the dispossessed.
When human beings leave their families, their communities and their lands,
they are challenging the system that has condemned them to disappear as
peasants, as indigenous people, as women, as people of color, as youth, as
another culture, as a community and as a people.
By understanding migration in this way, we recognize in the struggle of La
Vía Campesina the key role of migrants and their potential as actors of
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=127> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
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Thank you.
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
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